Clean Pole Installation and User’s Guide (OM720-02) 1
Thank you for purchasing Planar's mobile Clean Pole
. The Clean Pole is to be used to add
mobility to the Clean Screen™. To recharge, plug the Clean Pole unit into a standard outlet.
The battery system includes one six-cell twelve-volt battery and a recharger, packaged on the
base of the Clean Pole. The user may choose either an audible or visual alert when the battery
falls below a minimum charge. To choose, use the toggle switch on the top of the unit. With
this innovative, mobile, battery-powered workstation, Planar continues its commitment to
provide the best in bedside computing solutions.
In order to receive the full benefit of the Clean Pole, the user must understand how to
properly use the battery system. It is recommended that the Clean Pole be plugged in
whenever not in use to avoid system downtime.