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If you touch
, you can sort the results or show the locations of all facilities on the map.
Touch [Select as Destination].
When a route is not set, POIs are searched for around the current position.
When the current position is not available either (no GPS signal), POIs are searched for around the last
known position.
When a route is set, [Gas Station] and [Restaurant] are searched for along the route, and
[Accommodation] and [Parking] are searched for around the destination.
Searching for POIs by category or directly from the name of the facilities
You can search for POIs by their categories and subcategories. You can also search for
POIs by their names in each of their categories.
Touch [Places].
Touch [Search Among All Places].
Touch [Around Here] and then select the area in which the POIs should be
searched for.
[Category View]:
You can select whether or not POI categories are displayed.
[Around Here]:
Searches around the current position. Or, around the last known position if the
current position is not available. The results will be listed in order of the distance
from this position.
[In a City]:
Searches for a place within a selected city/town. The results will be listed in order of
the distance from the center of the selected city/town.
[Around Destination]:
Searches for a place around the destination of the current route. The results will be