Motion Generator
Page 28
User Manual for PMotion
8 Internal
The controller internal motion generator is a calculation engine for map tables. The map is
defined using specific variables (see chapter 10.4.2). The internal motion generator reads these
variables and calculates the corresponding map.
For initially creation of a map the PC based motion generator
should be used. For
generating a map by the internal motion generator, a map sequence has to be created and
downloaded to the controller. If the sequence is present in the system, the calculation routine of
the internal motion generator has to be started. This is done using the command $MSTART=1
(often the last line in the map sequence). A message will be displayed in the terminal program
indicating that calculation process has been started. Success or failure of map creation is
indicated by further messages. If calculation has been finished successful, the new map table
will exist on the system.
An important feature of the internal motion generator is the possibility to modify the map
immediately by editing the specific variables from external systems, e. g. operators panel or
PLC. Thereby a change between master and slave positions can be realized very quickly, e. g.
to modify product lengths.
Commands for Internal Motion Generator
The following commands are significant for calculating a map in the internal motion generator:
$MSTART is a trigger variable to start the generation of a map.
$MRESET is a trigger variable to set all variables to their default values.
$MNAME contains the name of the appropriate map table.
$MREADY is a trigger variable used to indicate the end of map generation. During the map
calculation the variable is set to 0, when the map calculation is finished it is set to 1.
$MNPT is used to define the number of map steps.
$MSAVE is used to save the map on the controller ($MSAVE=1) after generating or not