based Motion Generator PMotion
Page 22
User Manual for PMotion
Edit Segment parameters
The parameters of a segment are shown in the toolbar
on the left side of the PMotion window. This toolbar can
be toggled by using the button „Segment parameters“ in
the menu „Edit“.
The parameter bar is used to set all the parameters for
the selected segment. If you change segment selection
the parameter bar is updated automatically.
The toolbar remains on the screen while editing the map
or using other menu commands. This feature allows you
to perform quickly changes of the map shape and
analyse certain points.
Parameter changes can be applied by pressing the
“Return” button or the “Apply” button on the bottom of
the parameter bar. With this update method it is possible
to analyse the current segment and make quickly
The available setting options are divided into various
subsections by borders and title descriptions.
Segment ...
Number of the current selected segment in the motion view.
Segment Type
In the „Segment type“ box you can select the mathematical function for the segment. It is
possible to choose from up to 16 different mathematical functions, which are described in
chapter 9 („Segment types).
There are extra settings for some segment types when pressing the button „Type parameters“.
These parameters depend on the selected segment type and can define the mathematical
function in more detail.
The default segment type is polynomial, which has no extra parameter settings.
Start / End
Master position
The length of a segment is specified by the absolute start and end master position values.
The master start position corresponds to the end position of the previous segment. If you
change the start position of a segment, the end position of the previous segment will be
updated automatically.
Equally changing the master end position of a segment will influence the start position of the
next segment.
Attention: If the next segment is not able to accommodate the position change, a message box
appears indicating that the values have to be entered again.