Only for structural components listed in Para 3 a life extension LEP I or LEP II can be performed separate
from the aircraft. All other structural components must remain on the original aircraft, or be scrapped.
Those parts of Service Bulletin 04-009 that affect the specific component must be performed.
On successful completion, a LEP I release statement (as defined in Service Bulletin 04-009) must be ob-
tained for the specific component. The release statement must contain the part number and serial number of
the specific component.
A tracking system must be established to enable proper tracking of the specific component. The tracking sys-
tem must clearly identify the flying hours, landings and calendar time consumed by the specific component
and list all deviations or limitations. Useful guidance is given in FAA AC 120.93 App. 7 and Part 43 §43.9. It is
the operator’s responsibility to ensure that the tracking system is acceptable to the local authority.
The specific component may be returned to service, under consideration of all required maintenance actions,
up to the life limit or the SSID threshold inspection at 25,000 flying hours or 30,000 landings (whichever
comes first).
Those parts of the SSID that affect the specific component must be performed.
On successful completion, a LEP II release statement (as defined in the SSID) must be obtained for the
specific component. The release statement must contain the part number and serial number of the specific
The specific component may be returned to service, under consideration of all required maintenance actions,
up to the life limit or the Limit of Validity (LOV) of this component (whichever comes first). The component
must be scrapped when one of the two limits has been reached.
PC-12/47E AMM Doc No 02300, ISSUE 01 REVISION 27 MSN 545, 1001-1719, 1721-1942
Effectivity: All
End of data module
19.07.2017 Page 6