T H E M O D E R M - B U S T E C H N O L O Y
n E
Time and Date
Since PiiGAB M-Bus 900 supports program modules that use time stamps it is necessary for the
clock to be set in an effective way. The internal clock is always set to ”Universal Coordinated
Time” (UTC). The time zone is set so that the PiiGAB M
-Bus 900 will show the correct local time.
The default for the time zone is Stockholm/Paris/Berlin, however if another time zone is to be
used please refer to the public internet site for ucLibc time zone. The clock only has to be set if
you want to log communication or if you are using QuickPost.
Figure 6-15
Two ways to set the clock
If ”Network Time Protocol” (NTP) server can be found on the network the clock will be
set correctly according to UTC at every startup. It does not matter what time zone you
choose, however the local time will only be correct if the time zone is set correctly. The
clock is adjusted against the server and will therefore always be exact.
Manual configuration. If there is not an NTP server on the network the local time will be
set manually for the current time zone. By setting the clock manually the internal clock
of the PiiGAB M-
Bus 900 will be activated, ”real time clock”. The internal clock has a
super capacitor backup, which makes it keep the set time for up to three 24 hour
periods if you lose voltage. The processor reads the current time from the real time
clock at start-up and will use this time if no NTP server is used. The real time clock will
eventually loose sync with other watches. Therefore it is not to be expected that the
time will be correct over a longer period of time.
Setting possibilities for the clock
The local time (Local Time) and the current time (Hardware Clock) are shown in the Time and
Date part. The user has the possibility to set the internal clock (software clock) and the real time
clock in many different ways depending on desire.
From manual typing in the field ”Set Hardware Clock …” and click ” Set Hardware Clock
Manually”. Type accurately
In accordance with typed IP-information for the NTP server
click ”Set NTP”. When you
set the NTP server the clock will be set directly.