IR-transmitters Pico4, Pico8 and Pico16
Page 16
Page select key
Page select key
Page select key
Page select key
Random Picomed LC
Random GLC
Note 1: lower right key is page independent (lock code key).
3.9 Backup
It is possible* to store all settings from the Pico4, Pico8 and Pico16 in a data file.
A backup-file may be restored to the Pico4, Pico8 and Pico16.
It is only possible to restore a backup to a similar IR-transmitter as it was made from.
In the backup menu, there is a Compatibility ID that has to be equal in both transmitters if
a backup/restore operation shall be possible.
*) Due to Apple’s handling of files and folders this function is not available from Apple units.
Programming – on IR-transmitters
Some programming may be done directly on the IR-remote without the use of an extra unit
with a screen. Beeper will be enabled when this programming mode is active.
4.1 Programming mode
– enter and exit
Enter programming mode: press & hold keys 1, 2 and 3 simultaneously for 3 seconds.
Exit programming mode: press & hold key «1» for 3 seconds.
The beeper gives a long beep to indicate that programming mode is entered.
This programming mode will always start on page 1 indicated by left light indicator
If low battery, the red light indicator will flash for 2 seconds and then the transmitter will
leave programming mode.
The transmitter will leave programming mode after 60 seconds without any keystrokes.
Light indicators will be turned off and beeper will give a short beep when leaving
programming mode.
4.2 Enable/disable common code
In programming mode, it is possible to enable/disable transmission of common code. Press &
hold the lock-code key for 3 seconds to change setting. For information about common code,
please refer to chapter 2.5.1.
If disabled, this is indicated by a short beep, a blink in the light in the lock-code key and a
blink in the green light indicator.
If enabled, this is indicated by a long beep, a long blink in the light in the lock-code key
and a long blink in the green light indicator.
Which common code to be transmitted is dependent of the configuration of the product.
If set to “Norway”: IR = Picomed, user code 1, channel 1 (earlier designated NA1-1).
If set to “Sweden”: IR = Gewa, channel 16.
4.3 Copying IR-signals
In this programming mode, IR may be captured from other IR-remote controls. Also refer to
chapter 3.6 and 3.6.1.
The yellow light-indicator indicates which page is chosen.
To switch page, press & hold page select key (lower left) for 3 seconds.