3 Product Description
H-820 Hexapod Microrobot
Version: 2.3.0
The platform moves along the translational axes X, Y, and Z and around the rotational axes U, V,
and W.
Using the controller, custom coordinate systems can be defined and used instead of the default
coordinate system.
Default and user-defined coordinate systems are always right-handed systems. It is
to convert a right-handed system to a left-handed system.
The following is a description of how the hexapod behaves with the default coordinate system.
Work with user-defined coordinate systems is described in the C887T0007 technical note.
Figure 2: Coordinate system and rotations to the rotational coordinates U, V, and W. The coordinate
system is depicted above the platform for better clarity.
Translations are described in the spatially-fixed coordinate system. The translational axes X, Y,
and Z meet at the origin of the coordinate system (0,0,0). For further information, see the
glossary (p. 49).
Rotations take place around the rotational axes U, V, and W. The rotational axes meet at the
center of rotation (also referred to as "pivot point"). The rotational axes and therefore also the
center of rotation always move together with the platform of the hexapod (see also the
example below for consecutive rotations).
A given rotation in space is calculated from the individual rotations in the order U -> V- > W.
For further information on the center of rotation, see the glossary (p. 49).