Instruction manual
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Thank you for purchasing the POWERVOICE automatic mixing amplifier from Phoenix Professional Audio.
In order to use it correctly and to be able to use all the technical possibilities offered by the POWERVOICE
amplifier, you must carry out a spatial adjustment or room equalization after installation. To realize a room
measurement, you need a measuring device. The minimum is the NTI Audio® Mini-Analyzer or professional
measurement software such as MLSSA.
For a practical measurement the measuring microphone has to be positioned exactly at the place where later
the audience will be (f.i. for church acoustics in the middle of the church). By generating „PINK NOISE“ to the
POWERVOICE amplifier you measure the amplitude frequency response with the measuring microphone.
If the frequency response determined does not have the desired characteristics, room adjustment filters (EQ)
are used for adjustment by increasing or lowering the frequency spectrum in determined areas (see Fig. No.1).
Repeat the measurement and correction process until a linearity arises (see Fig. No.2).
In big halls or in bigger distance from the signal sources (f.i. speakers) a treble reduction occurs. For reverberant
rooms it makes sense to concentrate additionally on the equalization of low frequencies up to 100-800 Hz. In
this frequency range is the highest reverberation effect.
It has been shown that it is important to be careful with the equalization. The efficiency of the speaker and the
amplifier should always be taken into account.
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