You can play puzzle with a stored photo.
. While viewing a photo, enter the submenu. Select the Puzzle option
and press the Navigator key or the PLAY key. The photo will be cut
into pieces, one piece will be cut-out as a black box, and the others
will be shuf�ed and placed out of order.
2. Use the Navigator keys to move the pieces surrounding the black
box and try to restore the photo. Ex: press the Navigator key Up
to bring the piece below the box upwards; press the Navigator key
to move the piece at the left of the box to the right. (Quit
by press the
button once. Hold the
button to undo
the previous steps.)
3. You have 500 steps to complete the puzzle. After all the pieces are
replaced in order, the black box will disappear and you will see a
�Finish!� message appear in the display. If you cannot restore the
photo in 500 steps, you will see a �Game Over!� message in the