© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
User manual
Rev. 01 — 12 January 2006
Philips Semiconductors
Volume 1
Chapter 15: Timer0 and Timer1
Two match registers can be used to provide a single edge controlled PWM output on the
MATn.2.0 pins. Because the MAT0.3 register is not pinned out on Timer0, it is
recommended to use the MRn.3 registers to control the PWM cycle length. One other
match register is needed to control the PWM edge position. The remaining two match
registers can be used to create PWM output with the PWM cycle rate determined by
15.4 Pin description
gives a brief summary of each of the Timer/Counter related pins.
15.5 Register description
Each Timer/Counter contains the registers shown in
. More detailed descriptions
Table 164: Timer/Counter pin description
Capture Signals- A transition on a capture pin can be configured to
load one of the Capture Registers with the value in the Timer Counter
and optionally generate an interrupt.
Here is the list of all CAPTURE signals, together with pins on where
they can be selected:
CAP0.0: P0.2
CAP0.1: P0.4
CAP0.2: P0.6
CAP1.0: P0.10
CAP1.1: P0.11
CAP1.2: P0.17
CAP1.3: P0.18
Timer/Counter block can select a capture signal as a clock source
instead of the PCLK derived clock. For more details see
External Match Output 0/1- When a match register 0/1 (MR3:0) equals
the timer counter (TC), this output can either toggle, go LOW, go
HIGH, or do nothing. The External Match Register (EMR) and the
PWM Control register (PWMCON) control the functionality of this
Here is the list of all MATCH signals together with pins on where they
can be selected:
MAT0.0: P0.3
MAT0.1: P0.5
MAT0.2: P0.16
MAT1.0: P0.12
MAT1.1: P0.13
MAT1.2: P0.19
MAT1.3: P0.20