© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
User manual
Rev. 01 — 12 January 2006
Philips Semiconductors
Volume 1
Chapter 19: Flash memory
unsigned long result[2];
unsigned long * command;
unsigned long * result;
command=(unsigned long *) 0x……
result= (unsigned long *) 0x……
Define pointer to function type, which takes two parameters and returns void. Note the IAP
returns the result with the base address of the table residing in R1.
typedef void (*IAP)(unsigned int [],unsigned int[]);
IAP iap_entry;
Setting function pointer:
iap_entry=(IAP) IAP_LOCATION;
Whenever you wish to call IAP you could use the following statement.
iap_entry (command, result);
The IAP call could be simplified further by using the symbol definition file feature
supported by ARM Linker in ADS (ARM Developer Suite). You could also call the IAP
routine using assembly code.
The following symbol definitions can be used to link IAP routine and user application:
#<SYMDEFS># ARM Linker, ADS1.2 [Build 826]: Last Updated: Wed May 08 16:12:23 2002
0x7fffff90 T rm_init_entry
0x7fffffa0 A rm_undef_handler
0x7fffffb0 A rm_prefetchabort_handler
0x7fffffc0 A rm_dataabort_handler
0x7fffffd0 A rm_irqhandler
0x7fffffe0 A rm_irqhandler2
0x7ffffff0 T iap_entry
As per the ARM specification (The ARM Thumb Procedure Call Standard SWS ESPC
0002 A-05) up to 4 parameters can be passed in the r0, r1, r2 and r3 registers
respectively. Additional parameters are passed on the stack. Up to 4 parameters can be
returned in the r0, r1, r2 and r3 registers respectively. Additional parameters are returned
indirectly via memory. Some of the IAP calls require more than 4 parameters. If the ARM
suggested scheme is used for the parameter passing/returning then it might create
problems due to difference in the C compiler implementation from different vendors. The
suggested parameter passing scheme reduces such risk.
The flash memory is not accessible during a write or erase operation. IAP commands,
which results in a flash write/erase operation, use 32 bytes of space in the top portion of
the on-chip RAM for execution. The user program should not be use this space if IAP flash
programming is permitted in the application.