Service Modes, Error Messages, and Repair Tips
Protection errors:
Error 21 = JagASM processor test failure (IC7402, diagram
C4). During start-up of set, the Scaler will do a quick test by
writing data to selective addresses and reading back the
data. If the core supply voltage is too low or data line is
broken, this error protection will be activated. Under these
circumstances, check:
Core supply of 2V5 to VDD pins of JagASM IC.
Clock pulse present at pin 3 of OSC generator item
1401 (diagram C4).
Error 22 = Video formatter/converter I2C error IC7351
(GENESIS FLI2300, diagram C9).
Error 23 = Video decoder I2C error IC7302 (Philips
SAA7118E, diagram C3).
Note: BGA IC fixed with a heat sink (see chapter 4 how to
Error 25 = NVM I2C error (diagram C8). NV memory
(EEPROM - IC7752) does not respond to Scaler micro
Error 27 = SRAM IC MT48LC2M32B2TG test failure
(IC7471, diagram C6).
Error 28 = SRAM IC MT48LC2M32B2TG test failure
(IC7472, diagram C6).
Non-Protection errors:
Error 24 = HDTV decoder I2C error IC7252 (AD9883,
diagram C10).
Note: This error is NOT applicable to Europe execution.
Error 29 = TV uP IC7064 (diagram A1) and Scaler uP
IC7753 (diagram C8) I2C communication failure. When this
error occurred, there is no display on screen. In order to
read this error code, either activate SDM or press “062501”
to read out the error code by blinking LED. Alternatively,
read the error codes out by using ComPair.
The “Blinking LED” Procedure
The contents of the error buffer can also be made visible
through the “Blinking LED” procedure. This is especially useful
when there is no picture.
When the SDM is entered, the LED will blink the contents of the
error-buffer. Error-codes
10 are shown by a long blink of
750msec, which is an indication of the decimal digit, followed
by a pause of 1500msec. followed by n short blinks. When all
the error-codes are displayed, the sequence is finished with a
LED display of 3 seconds. The sequence starts again.
Error code position: 1 2 3 4 5
Error buffer:
12 9 6 0 0
This gives after activating SDM: 1 long blink of 7
pause of 15 2 short blinks - pause of 3 s - 9 short
blinks - pause of 3 s - 6 short blinks - pause of 3 s - long blink
of 3 s - etc.
Note: If errors 1, 2 or 4 occur, the LED always blinks the last
occurred error, even if the set is not in service mode.
Another method of reading out a single error code is to use a
standard RC or a DST.
Standard RC - Press “0-6-2-5-0-x” in sequence, to read
(blinking LED) out a respective error code in the error
buffer, where x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
DST: Press “Diagnose” “x” “OK” to read (blinking LED) out
a respective error code in the error buffer, where x = 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
ComPair (Computer Aided Repair) is a service tool for Philips
Consumer Electronics products. ComPair is a further
development on the European DST (Dealer Service Tool),
which allows faster and more accurate diagnostics. ComPair
has three big advantages:
ComPair helps you to quickly get an understanding on how to
repair the chassis in a short time by guiding you systematically
through the repair procedures.
ComPair allows very detailed diagnostics (on I2C level) and is
therefore capable of accurately indicating problem areas. You
do not have to know anything about I2C commands yourself
because ComPair takes care of this.
ComPair speeds up the repair time since it can automatically
communicate with the chassis (when the microprocessor is
working) and all repair information is directly available. When
ComPair is installed together with the SearchMan electronic
manual of the defective chassis, schematics and PWBs are
only a mouse click away.
ComPair consists of a Windows based faultfinding program
and an interface box between PC and the (defective) product.
The ComPair interface box is connected to the PC via a serial
or RS232 cable.
The ComPair faultfinding program is able to determine the
problem of the defective television. ComPair can gather
diagnostic information in two ways:
Automatic (by communication with the television):
ComPair can automatically read out the contents of the
entire error buffer. Diagnosis is done on I2C level. ComPair
can access the I2C bus of the television. ComPair can
send and receive I2C commands to the micro controller of
the television. In this way, it is possible for ComPair to
communicate (read and write) to devices on the I2C
busses of the TV-set.
Manually (by asking questions to you): Automatic
diagnosis is only possible if the micro controller of the
television is working correctly and only to a certain extend.
When this is not the case, ComPair will guide you through
the faultfinding tree by asking you questions (e.g. Does the
screen show a picture? Click on the correct answer: YES /
NO) and showing you examples (e.g. Measure test-point I7
and click on the correct waveform you see on the
oscilloscope). You can answer by clicking on a link (e.g.
text or a waveform picture) that will bring you to the next
step in the faultfinding process.
By a combination of automatic diagnostics and an interactive
question / answer procedure, ComPair will enable you to find
most problems in a fast and effective way.
Beside fault finding, ComPair provides some additional
features like:
Up- or downloading of pre-sets.
Managing of pre-set lists.
Emulation of the Dealer Service Tool (DST).
If both ComPair and SearchMan (Electronic Service
Manual) are installed, all the schematics and the PWBs of
the set are available by clicking on the appropriate
hyperlink. Example: Measure the DC-voltage on capacitor
C2568 (Schematic/Panel) at the Mono-carrier.
Click on the 'Panel' hyperlink to automatically show the
PWB with a highlighted capacitor C2568.
Click on the 'Schematic' hyperlink to automatically
show the position of the highlighted capacitor.