Colour television
1 .
Modified circuits
During production several modifications have been made
to the SOPS, line and raster circuits.
The modified circuits are illustrated in
The service code numbers of the modified components
are given a table:
Modified adjustment for picture tube
The electrical adjustment 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 on page
7.1 of the service manual must be modified as follows:
Connect a pattern generator and select a white
screen. Switch in the service
(see chapter
9) and select “WHITE BALANCE”.
Adjust the value of “GREEN” to 51 and the value
of “BLUE” to 46. In most cases no further
adjustment is necessary.
Switch in the service menu (see chapter 9) and
Adjust “WHITE LIMIT” to the values:
43 for black-line sets
53 for non black-line sets
for 21” sets.
Connect a pattern generator and select a black
screen. Switch in the service menu and select
“CUT OFF”. Adjust the value for “RED” and for
“GREEN” to 16, and adjust “BLUE” to 15. In
most cases no further adjustment is necessary.
Service default mode
In order to bring a set into the service default mode the
antenna and generator signals should first be removed.
Once the set has been brought into the service default
mode (see page 9.1 of the service manual) the antenna
and generator signals may be input.
Coordination p numbers on
main panel
The coordinates on pages 6.21 and 6.22 are incorrect.
The correct coordinates are given in Fig.2.
5 .
Picture tube panel
The designations of connector
(as given on the print
lay-outs of the picture tube panel on page 6.24 of the
service manual) are incorrect.
The correct designations are given in the fig. 3.
Published by Consumer Electronics
Printed in The Netherlands
reserved Subject to modification
PCS 59 774