Studio 24/26HFL2808D/12
P a g e
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Hotel Mode
Feature to enable or disable the Hotel TV Menu features.
When enabled the TV will follow configured feature settings
Access to the Hotel TV Menu is by the use of
on the HTV Setup RC or on the standard RC
using key sequence:
Menu 7 9 3 5.
Below settings are only active while [Hotel Mode] is On.
Feature to enable or disable the auto SCART feature
This feature allows a connected SCART device to turn the TV on or off.
Last Status
Feature to enable or disable the last status feature
This feature allows the TV to remember the last used configuration and
restores when startup again. Otherwise default settings are used.
Panel Lock
Feature to enable or disable the functionality of the side control TV button.
Select [On] to lock the side control TV button.
Select [Off] unlock the side control TV button.
RCU Inhibit
Enable or disable the functionality Remote Control.
Select [On] to block all RC commands (except the HotelTV SetUp RC
Home/Menu key, or the standard RC
Menu 7 9 3 5
key sequence).
Select [Off] and all RC commands are enabled.
Startup Position
Select startup program/source when TV is switched on via Power On key or Digit keys.
TV wakes up in last used channel/source.
TV wakes up with the channel specified in Startup Channel field
TV wakes up with the specified external source
Startup Channel
Feature to select the channel to be used as Startup Position
Volume Limit
Feature to set the maximum volume level.
Range values 0-63.
Fixed Volume Enable
Feature to set Volume to a set Fixed Volume
Volume is fixed to the level set at Fixed Volume Value item
Fixed Volume Level
Feature to set the Fixed Volume level.
Range values 0-63.
Headphone Direct
Control Head Phone out volume instead of TV speakers.
TV speakers volume are set to Last Status before Hotel Mode is activated
Hotel TV Menu settings