150Mbps Wireless N ADSL2/2+ Modem Router
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Product Overview
Thank you for choosing PHICOMM FD-364N Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router. This product is
designed to provide a simple and cost-effective ADSL internet connection for a private Ethernet
network. It is connected to network devices via standard Ethernet ports. The ADSL connection is
made using ordinary telephone line with standard connectors. Multiple workstations can be
networked to internet using a single Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and single global IP address.
The Wireless Modem Router provides up to 150Mbps wireless connection with other 802.11n
wireless clients. The incredible speed makes it ideal for handling multiple data streams at the
same time, which ensures your network stable and smooth. The performance of this wireless
Modem Router will give you the unexpected network experience. It is also compatible with all
IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11b products. With multiple protection measures, including SSID
broadcast control and wireless LAN 64/128-bit WEP encryption, Wi-Fi protected Access
(WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK), as well as advanced Firewall protections, this Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem
Router provides complete data privacy.
Quick Start of the Web-based Utility is supplied and friendly help messages are provided for the
configuration. Network and router management is done through the Web based Setup Wizard
which can be accessed through local Ethernet using any web browser.
FD-364N supports full-rate ADSL2+ connectivity conforming to the ITU and ANSI specifications.
In addition to the basic DMT physical layer functions, the ADSL2+ PHY supports dual latency
ADSL2+ framing (fast and interleaved) and the I.432 ATM Physical Layer.