If the unit is to be stored unused in an unsupervised area for an extended period
ensure that children
do not have access and doors cannot be closed completely.
The disposal of the unit should be accomplished by appropriate personnel.
Always remove
to prevent accidents such as suffocation.
Recycle of battery
(Only for USA and CANADA)
A sealed lead acid battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. At the end of its
useful life, under various state and local laws, it is illegal to dispose of this battery into your municipal
waste stream. Please call 1-800-SAV-LEAD for information on how to recycle this battery.
L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimenté par une batterie au plomb étanche. Après la fin de la
vie utile de la batterie, en vertu de diverses réglementations gouvernementales et locales, il est illégal de
l‘éliminer avec les déchets domestiques ordinaires. Pour des renseignements sur le recyclage de la
batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-SAV-LEAD.
Label indication is obliged to comply with Taiwanese battery regulation.
(Apenas para a Brasil)
Baterias de chumbo – ácido:
Atenção sobre a bateria
• Após o uso, a bateria deverá ser devolvida à rede de assistência técnica ou
revendedores para ser encaminhada ao fabricante ou importador.
(Resolução CONAMA nsº 401)
Riscos a saúde
: O contato com os componentes químicos internos desta
bateria pode causar danos a saúde.
Riscos ao meio-ambiente
: A destinação final inadequada pode poluir águas
e solo.
Composição básica
: Chumbo, ácido sulfúrico diluído e plástico.
Содержание MDF-C2156VAN Series
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