Pfeiffer Chemie-Armaturenbau GmbH
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4.2.3 Notice of attaching actuating elements
Double-eccentric butterfl y control valves must al-
ways close with a clockwise rotation of the valve shaft!
Therefore observe the direction of rotation when installing the actua-
A label on the butterfl y control valve indicates the direction of rotation.
Fig. 4 – Indicating label stating the direction of rotation
The assembly of the valve is now completed.
4.3 Assembly of the Butterfl y Valve Series 14b
with adjustable stuffi ng box fl ange ( Type WNS )
4.3.1 Preparation for assembling the Valve
Lay the valve body ( 1 ) on a clean surface so that the bearing area of
the shaft is within easy reach.
Press in the bearing bushing ( 12a ) as far as it will go into the bear-
ing hole. Then insert the spacer ( 22 ).
Butterfl y valves in nominal sizes DN 300 ( 12” ) are
assembled without a spacer ( 22 ).
Insert the butterfl y disc ( 3 ) into the body so that the bearing holes of
the disc are aligned with the bearing hole of the body.
Now insert the shaft ( 2 ) through the bearing holes of the body and
the disc.
Push the bearing bushing ( 12b ) as far as it will go over the shaft into
the bearing hole of the body.
Then insert the spacer ( 21 ).
Butterfl y valves in nominal sizes DN 100 ( 4” ) are
assembled without a spacer ( 21 ).
Screw studs ( 16 ) into the body.
Insert the washer ( 18 ) into the indentation intended for it in the bon-
net ( 7 ).
Slide the bonnet seal ( 23 ) as well as the valve body sealing ( 13 )
onto the bonnet.
Butterfl y valves in nominal sizes DN 300 ( 12” ) are
assembled without a bonnet seal ( 23 ).
Insert the previously assembled bonnet into the bearing hole of the
body and position correctly with the studs.
Fasten tight the bonnet evenly with nuts ( 17 ) in a crisscross patter.
Push the thrust washer ( 8 ) over the shaft’s free end at the appropri-
ate place in the body.
Ring by ring of the PTFE-braided packing ( 9 ) is pushed over the
shaft manually and is then pressed into the bore of the casing by
means of a special mounting bush.
Press the bearing bushing ( 11 ) into the stuffi ng box ( 6 ).
Carefully place the stuffi ng box which has just been assembled to-
gether onto the intermediate fl ange and position correctly using the
fi llister head screws ( 20 ).
Tighten the screws evenly in a crisscross pattern.
Position the two plane faces of the shaft so that they are parallel to
the disc and secure the shaft against further turning.
Note :
On doing so, make sure that the shaft adjoins the
washer ( 18 ).
Drill fi tting holes to connect the shaft to the disc.
Then connect the disc and shaft using close-tolerance grooved pins
( 14 ).
Further assembly steps depend on the version concerned.