Table of Contents
General Information..................... ..................... 4
Cleanliness of Fuel System Components..... .... 8
Fuel System.......................... .......................... 10
Air Inlet and Exhaust System............. ............. 13
Lubrication System ..................... .................... 16
Cooling System ....................... ....................... 16
Basic Engine.......................... ......................... 17
Electrical System ...................... ...................... 20
Fuel System - Inspect ................... .................. 22
Air in Fuel - Test ....................... ....................... 22
Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston. . 23
Fuel Quality - Test...................... ..................... 24
Fuel System - Prime .................... ................... 24
Fuel System Pressure - Test.............. ............. 26
Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect...... ..... 27
Turbocharger - Inspect .................. ................. 27
Compression - Test..................... .................... 30
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ........ ........ 31
Valve Depth - Inspect................... ................... 32
Valve Guide - Inspect................... ................... 33
Engine Oil Pressure - Test ............... ............... 34
Engine Oil Pump - Inspect ............... ............... 34
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......... ......... 35
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect. 35
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect . . 35
Cooling System - Check ................. ................ 36
Cooling System - Inspect................ ................ 36
Cooling System - Test................... .................. 37
Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect............... .............. 38
Water Temperature Regulator - Test........ ....... 40
Piston Ring Groove - Inspect............. ............. 41
Connecting Rod - Inspect ................ ............... 41
Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect........ ........ 43
Main Bearings - Inspect ................. ................. 44
Cylinder Block - Inspect................. ................. 44
Cylinder Head - Inspect ................. ................. 44
Piston Height - Inspect.................. .................. 45
Flywheel - Inspect...................... ..................... 45
Flywheel Housing - Inspect .............. .............. 46
Gear Group - Inspect ................... ................... 48
Vibration Damper - Check ............... ............... 48
Alternator - Test ....................... ....................... 50
Battery - Test.......................... ......................... 51
Electric Starting System - Test............ ............ 51
Glow Plugs - Test...................... ...................... 53
V-Belt - Test .......................... .......................... 53
Index................................ ............................... 55
Table of Contents
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE.