Air Inlet and Exhaust
Air Inlet and Exhaust System -
Do a general visual inspection of the air inlet and
exhaust system. Make sure that there are no signs of
leaks in the system.
There will be a reduction in the performance of the
engine if there is a restriction or there is a leak in the
air inlet system or the exhaust system.
Hot engine components can cause injury from
burns. Before performing maintenance on the en-
gine, allow the engine and the components to
Making contact with a running engine can cause
burns from hot parts and can cause injury from
rotating parts.
When working on an engine that is running, avoid
contact with hot parts and rotating parts.
Inspect the engine air cleaner inlet and ducting in
order to ensure that the passageway is not blocked
or collapsed.
Inspect the engine air cleaner element. Replace a
dirty element with a clean element.
Check for dirt tracks on the clean side of the engine
air cleaner element. If dirt tracks are observed,
contaminants are flowing past the element.
Hot engine components can cause injury from
burns. Before performing maintenance on the en-
gine, allow the engine and the components to
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Before you begin inspection of the turbocharger, be
sure that the inlet air restriction is within the
specifications for your engine. Be sure that the
exhaust system restriction is within the specifications
for your engine. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing
and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and Exhaust System -
The condition of the turbocharger will have definite
effects on engine performance. Use the following
inspections and procedures to determine the
condition of the turbocharger.
• Inspection of the compressor wheel and the
compressor housing
• Inspection of the turbine wheel and the turbine
• Inspection of the wastegate
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE.