Operating Behavior
Entry Time
Entry time = 8 s
The entry time is the time required by conveyed product to leave the upstream zone and
therefore its zone sensor after the release signal is set.
If the conveyed product requires longer than the entry time, the zone will shut down its motor
and wait for the conveyed product to disappear from the upstream zone or appear in front of its
zone sensor.
Transportation Time
Transportation time = 8 s
The transportation time is the time it takes for conveyed product to reach the next zone sensor
after leaving the upstream zone sensor.
If the conveyed product takes longer than the transportation time for this step, the zone will
assume that it is empty and continue with normal operation.
Motor Run-On Time
Motor run-on time = 2 s
Once conveyed product has left the zone sensor of a zone, the motor run-on time begins. It
ensures that the motor will continue to run so that the conveyed product can completely leave
the zone. Furthermore, it reduces the constant switching on and off of the motors if conveyed
products are following each other closely. Subsequent conveyed product can be received
during that time without shutting down the motor.
Release Delay
Release delay = 0.1 s
In the operating mode "Enhanced ZPA," the direct forwarding of release signals is delayed by
this period of time if conveyed product has been stopped before the zone sensor and
subsequent conveyed product has not yet partially entered the zone.
The release delay is used to avoid power spikes that would result from the simultaneous startup
of accumulated conveyed product.
Idle Mode Delay
Idle mode delay = 10 s
The idle mode delay is the time that a zone will wait on incoming conveyed product in the
operating mode "long zone" with the motor running. After this time, the motors will shut down
but the release signal remains set. The time will begin again if the status of the upstream zone
sensor changes.