For selection to display the other parameters, press and hold the `UP`
and `DN` keys simultaneously the screen will change in sequence PF, Ult
and AmP release the keys when desired parameter comes on screen. PF
is default display, any power failure will lead to display the power factor
on priority basis.
Voltage and Ampere are true RMS value, ct primary should be entered to
display the actual value. There is no effect of ct ratio on power factor.
CT Ratio :
CT ratio is require to enter for accuracy of other electrical
parameters, there is no effect of CT ratio on power factor.
Default factory setting is 100/5A.
Step Delay :
Step delay is the time taken between two continuous on
or off the steps. Setting Range - 1 to 20 (0.5 second to 10 seconds)
Default factory setting - 6 (2 seconds)
On Delay :
On delay is the time between as H/L led becomes green and
first step switched on. It is fold time of step delay.
Setting Range - 1 to 20
Default factory setting - 2
example : On delay = (step delay) x 2 = 4 seconds (factory default)
Off Delay :
off delay is the time between as H/L led becomes red
and first step switched off. It is also fold time of step delay.
Setting Range - 1 to 20
Default factory setting - 3
example : off delay = (step delay) x 3 = 6 seconds (factory default)
Sensitivity % of CT Current :
This is the minimum set load
in % (percentage), above this set value controller comes in normal
working mode. (Below this lavel will display `L.ct` on screen.)
Setting Range - 1% to 20%, default factory setting - 2%