mini ScanEYE
. Automatic Tilt Calibration
Auto-detect and calibrate the tilt angle of the scanned pictures to improve the recognition
· Balloon Interface
Balloon interface offers you a non-interference environment. All scan results will directly
transfer to the desired application. Balloon interface pops up and provides online transla-
tor, pronunciation, candidate words and related words whenever you need.
· Scanning and Recognizing Synchronously
Multi-thread architecture allows you to scan continuously without pause while recognition
is being done on the fly.
. Scan Image
The new feature of scanning images lets you scan and save the important images into MS
Word files.
· Bidirectional Chinese to English document translation
Come with translation software, Transtar, which can translate phrases or characters from
English to Chinese or vice versa and have your complete Chinese document translated
into English right away, with a read back function which reads out your document to you
. Online Translation
The manageable online translation menu is attached on the toolbar. You can set up the
translation website for translating instantly.
. Penpower VoiceReader
Penpower VoiceReader utilizes a state of the art text-to-speech technology, it reads in flu
ent Mandarin or Cantonese of any articles. You can use it as a tool for fast proofreading or
in teaching the correct Mandarin/Cantonese pronunciation.
. Penpower OCR
Penpower OCR can recognize any complicated document or table images, which are took
by any digital camera or flatbed scanner.