1. Remove upper modules from their packaging.
2. Remove doors and shelves from modules taking care to store
doors in a manner in which all can go back in their original posi-
tions. The hinges installed are snap-on/off and can easily be re-
moved by pulling the tab located at the back end of the hinge base
plate. Hold door securely when disengaging from the hinge.
The door will come loose quickly when the tab is pulled.
3. Starting with the wrap station module, preposition the wall bracket arm (located on the backside of the module)
by turning the adjusting screw. Grasp the hanger arm and pull out as you turn the adjusting screw located
in the front of hanger hardware. Turn the bottom screw counter clockwise until the arm is fully extended.
4. Hang the first module, making sure that all brackets are hooked onto the back panel’s hanging
rail properly. Using four of the cabinet to cabinet connectors, secure the right side of cabinet to the
steri tower.
7. Hang the third (and subsequent) modules as previously stated using eight of the cabinet to cabinet
8. The modules can now be adjusted in or out, and up or down until level and plumb.
Start by adjusting bottom
screw A clockwise until cabinets are pulled firm against back panel. After all modules are firm against back
5. Position glass divider in between the first (wrap station) upper and the second upper after hanging the wrap
upper and before hanging the second upper.
Hanging Rail
Back Panel
Hanger Brackets are
secured 2” down from
tops of side panels
panel, adjust modules until level using top screw B.
1.013.2466 R00
9. Locate the 1/4 air tubing inside the dirty storage
that operates the pneumatic doors. Route tubing through
hole in the bottom panel. Continue to route tubing through the electrical chase top opening and into the
base of the cabinets. (Optional)
6. Hang the second module by securing the right side of the module through the glass divider
to the adjacent module using four long cabinet to cabinet connectors. Do not do any final adjusting until
the second module is hung.
If you have upgraded
to lift doors, do NOT remove
connectors securing cabinet sides to the uppers.