PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners
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DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu
2.7 Initial start-up
Prior to the initial start-up of the burner make sure that:
The burner is connected to the boiler.
The boiler thermostat is installed and is functioning properly.
The feeding auger of the burner is installed and connected to the burner.
The smoke duct is connected to the chimney, the dampers for smoke gases are open and there is
sufficient draught. When the burner is operating, the negative pressure inside the furnace must stay
between 5-20 Pa.
Sprinkler system is connected and pressure switch connected to safety circuit (chapter 2.3).
Phase (L) and neutral (N) wires in power cable are connected properly.
3 Optional components
3.1 GSM modem
PV700a and PV1000a burners are ready to send burner’s error SMS messages up to 5 phone numbers.
When error occurs the modem will send list with history of errors and statuses before error. If list is very
long then so much information what has a room in message will be sent. Average length of one message
is 8 statuses or errors.
In order to send messages EP007 modem has to be connected to burners control board’s connector X2.
See Figure below. RS232 modem adapter cable has to be connected between modem’s connector
MOD1 and connector MOD1 what is located lower part of control board.
Before inserting the SIM card to burner the following actions have to be done:
SIM card must by activated by the mobile operator.
PIN code request has to be switched out.
Check by using mobile phone that it is possible to send SMS with this SIM card.
In SIM card´s phonebook must be only the numbers, where to the messages from the burner
will be sent.
Figure 29 Modem connection