FW6 Building Instruction February 2015
9. Battery shape and installation of receiver
Depending on the size of battery and receiver different shapes
of battery packs are possible.
In any case we recommend to
assemble the battery with tape
and make a
test for fitting
with the receiver inside the fuselage
before you solder the battery pack.
On the right side you see two possible battery shapes
If you absolutely want to install a
great 8 channel 2.4GHz
receiver, it is also possible to remove the power strip and solder
the servos
directly to the board
. This is quite normal with our
To the right a few
receivers that fit well
in the fuselage
(without housing):
From left to right:
- Multiplex RX-5 light M-link
- Multiplex RX-6 light M-link
- Spektrum AR 6115e
- Orange RX DSM2
Here once again these receivers, partly
without housing
- Multiplex RX-5 light M-link (without housing, housing right next
to it)
- Multiplex RX-6 light M-link
- Spektrum AR 6115e (without housing)
- Orange RX DSM2 (without housing, housing right next to it)
-Futaba R 6106HFC FASST (with and without housing)