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If the recipient Fonemosa unit is using a public and static IP address, you can manually edit the IP address and phone number in
your phone book and then directly call the recipient over IP, this does not require the IP learning process.
Note. If you need to configure any other parameters after the IP mode configuration is done, do not restart the Fonemosa unit as it
will use the new IP setting. When this happens, you may no longer be able to access the Fonemosa unit using a web browser. You
will then need to use a phone or console to configure the IP back to its default or fixed IP address such as “”.
VII. Configuring the Fonemosa unit’s IP Modes using the Web Based Interface
Click the PHONEBOOK button to
go to the phonebook configuration
Fill in the country
code, area code and
phone number
Click the “Apply”
button to apply
any changes
Fill in the IP
Fill in the signaling
UDP port. The
factory default is