Maintenance Instructions
Routine Maintenance
It is very important to perform routine maintenance on your sprayer before and after each use. Good maintenance practices will help
to guard against any unnecessary sprayer breakdowns or accidents.
1. It is recommended to perform a visual and physical
inspection for any worn parts, loose bolts, or
other visible problems. Make all necessary repairs
before spraying. Contact the original retailer
for instructions on ordering parts and for technical help.
2. The suction strainer (ref # 1, page 12) is located on the
end of suction hose (inside the tank) and should be
inspected and rinsed off on a regular basis.
It is essential that you winterize your sprayer to avoid damage and to allow for optimal performance. The winterization process
should be undertaken before freezing conditions and/or after each season of use. Failure to winterize your sprayer will void the
manufacturer’s warranty.
Winterizing your Sprayer
1. Verify that the tank is rinsed out and empty. Pour a 1/2
gallon of RV nontoxic antifreeze into the tank. WARNING:
Do not use standard automotive antifreeze (ethylene
glycol) as it can be harmful to humans, animals, crops,
and the environment.
2. Engage the pump and spray with the spray gun for
several minutes. Make sure that the antifreeze has been
pumped through the entire system.
3. After each use it is important to rinse the pump and all
components by running water through the system. Fill
the tank with a sufficient amount of fresh water and
engage the spray gun. Rinsing the pump with fresh water
will greatly improve the life of the pump.
4. Always follow all pump safety precautions and warnings
(Pages 4-5). Following these guidelines will help to ensure
many years of smooth and trouble-free spraying.
3. Store the sprayer in a dry location away from the
4. Before spraying in the spring it is recommended to flush
the sprayer with fresh water to cleanse it of the antifreeze
and any other buildup. It would also be beneficial to do
a thorough inspection of all sprayer components before