99B138120x-mub-en | 2014/11 | V05
Starting time of a time window
When setting the start time of a time window, the following is displayed to
the left of the start time (see fig. left):
Number of time window 1 ... 3, whose start time is to be set (in this case:
End time of a time window
When setting the end time of a time window, the following is displayed to
the left of the end time (see fig. left):
Number of time window 1 ... 3, whose end time is to be set (in this case:
The start time always lies before the end time! When an attempt is
made to set a start time that is later than the end time, the end time
is automatically adjusted.
9.2.5 Bypass
only available for FriwaMaxi with bypass or FriwaMega with bypass
Improves the control of the nominal temperature of the domestic hot water
for small withdrawal quantities and high source temperatures. The primary
flow rate and the flow temperature are lowered and the open bypass valve
mixes cooled water from the return with the flow water.
Depending on the measured tap quantity and the temperature difference
between the measured source temperature and the current adjusted DHW
temperature the bypass is activated or deactivated.
Bypass activated, if:
Withdrawal quantity < switch-on treshold tap quantity AND
(source temperature - THW NOM) > switch-on temperature difference
Bypass not active, if:
Tap quantity > (switch-on threshold tap qu 3 l/min) OR
(source temperature - THW NOM) < (switch-on temperature difference - 5 K)
Measured value display:
The bypass function is displayed in the status menu. The flashing heat
exchanger symbol shows the activated bypass valve.
In the cascade operation mode the function has to be activated in the
master controller and in the slave controller. The bypass functions in the
master and in the slave controller work independent from each other.
on, oFF
Switch-on threshold tap quantity
0 l/min
100 l/min
100 l/min
Switch-on temperature difference
10 K
50 K
40 K