WAN Circuit Configuration—Modify
Models 2616RC, 3096RC & 3196RC Admin Reference Guide
20 • T1/E1 Link
Receive Equalizer (linkRxEqualizer)
This variable determines the equalization used on the received signal. Long haul signals should have the equal-
ization set for more. Short haul signals require less equalization.
Receiver Sensitivity (linkSensitivityLevel)
This variable selects the minimum voltage at which the WAN port will sense that the signal is available. The
default setting is
This variable is only used if the receiver equalization is set to ON (see
“Receive Equalizer (linkRxEqualizer)”
on page 298).
linkSensitivityLevel1(1)—Voltage threshold: 1.70V; maximum distance achievable: less than 1,000 feet
(305 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel2(2)—Voltage threshold: 0.84V; maximum distance achievable: less than 2,000 feet
(610 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel3(3)—Voltage threshold: 0.84V; maximum distance achievable: less than 3,000 feet
(914 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel4(4)—Voltage threshold: 0.45V; maximum distance achievable: less than 5,000 feet
(1,524 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel5(5)—Voltage threshold: 0.45V; maximum distance achievable: less than 5,000 feet
(1,524 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel6(6)—Voltage threshold: 0.2V; maximum distance achievable: less than 5,000 feet
(1,524 meters)
linkSensitivityLevel7(7)—Voltage threshold: 0.1V; maximum distance achievable: less than 5,000 feet
(1,524 meters)
Line Build Out (linkLineBuildOut)
This variable defines the T1 or E1 pulse levels used by the T1/E1 ports:
triState(0)—When the T1/E1 port is not in use, the user may want to place the port in tri-state mode.
While in this setting, the input lines to the port are placed in high impedance protection mode.
e1pulse(1)—Used when connecting the T1/E1 port to E1 lines.
t1pulse0dB(2)—Strong T1 pulse amplitude.
t1pulse-7dB(3)—Medium T1 pulse amplitude.
t1pulse-15dB(4)—Weak T1 pulse amplitude.
Yellow Alarm Format (linkYellowFormat)
This variable identifies which standard will be used to transmit and identify the Yellow Alarm.
link YellowFormatBit2(1)—Bit-2 equal zero in every channel