S.R. POTTEN Ltd. warrants to the original owner
of each Patio Chef Gas Grill that it is free from
defects i n workmanship and m aterial s under
conditions of normal residential use. S.R. Potten
L t d . w i l l r ep a i r o r r ep l ac e w a r r an t y p a r t s
according to the list on page 2 of this manual.
The extent of any l iabi l ity of S.R. Potten Ltd.
u n d e r t h i s l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y i s l i m i t e d
to repair or replacement. The limited warranty
p e r i o d i s n o t ext en d ed b y s u c h r ep a i r o r
replacement. S.R. Potten Ltd. is not liable for
an y l a b o r o r o t h e r c o s t s r e l a t e d t o t h e
rem o val an d/or i nstal l ation of any W arranty
Part, installation of replacement parts, product
assembly, and/or delivery costs.
S.R. Potten Ltd. requires reasonable proof of your
date of purchase. Therefore, you should retain your
sales slip or invoice and return the S.R. Potten Ltd.
Product Warranty Registration Card immediately.
This limited warranty does not apply to any damage
due to transportation, i nstal lation, purchaser
servicing, accident, abuse, fire, alteration of the
product in any way, act of God, or failure to read
and/or abide by any product warnings, or any parts
or labor used to replace any part or parts covered
under this limited warranty.
In no event, whether as a resul t of breach of
Warranty or Contract, negligence, strict liabitity, or
misrepresentation, will S.R.POTTEN Ltd. be liable
for any incidental and/or consequential damages.
S.R. P ot t en
Lt d. ' s l i abi l i t y i s l i m i t ed to the
purchase price of the covered grill.
S.R. Potten Ltd.does not assume, or authorize any
other person to assume for S.R. Potten Ltd. any
l iabi l ity from the sal e of thi s product beyond
that expressly set forth in this Limited Warranty.
For Warranty Service, please call our
C u st o me r S e r vic e D ep a rt me n t a t
1-800-667-7313, Monday through Friday,
8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM EST.
H8T 3C8