Set Up the Hardware
2. Screw the thumbscrew into the threaded hole on the
sensor labeled IDS Bracket
Mounting the Sensor on a Discover Collision
1. Mount the Discover Collision Bracket (PASCO part
ME-8973A) into the T-slot on a PASCO track.
2. Temporarily remove the rod clamp thumbscrew from
the sensor. Use the thumbscrew on the bracket to
attach the sensor to the bracket
About the Battery
The Wireless Force Acceleration Sensor’s battery is
partially charged at the factory. If the battery status LED
blinks red, use the micro USB cable to connect the
sensor to a USB port or a USB charger.
Battery Usage
Battery life is very important to making the sensor simple
and always ready to use, so all of the PASCO wireless
products are designed for long battery life. For example,
the sensor turns itself off after a few minutes of inactivity
to conserve battery life.
The battery life between charges for the sensor varies
depending on the sampling rate. The battery life ranges
between eleven hours for high sample rates to more
than 70 hours for low sample rates.
In typical classroom/lab use, this would translate to a
battery life between charges ranging from one to four
weeks or more, because full-day continuous sampling
would be unusual. Even in the most extreme case with a
high sample rate, the Force-Acceleration Sensor battery
would support a full day of use before needing to
Maximizing Battery Life
One of the factors that affects battery life is the storage
temperature. Therefore, avoid storing the sensor in very
cold or very hot environments.
Suggested Experiments
Practically any experiment that uses a force,
acceleration, or rotational motion measurement can be
done with the PS-3202 Wireless Force-Acceleration
Sensor. See the PASCO Web site at
for more information about experiments.
Calibrating the Sensor
The sensor is factory calibrated. Further calibration is
not always necessary, especially if you are measuring a
change in force, acceleration, or rotational motion rather
than absolute values. However, it is possible to calibrate
the sensor. For detailed information, see Appendix B.
CI-6545 IDS Force Accessory Bracket
ME-8973A Discover Collision Bracket
ME-9884 Bumper Accessory Set
ME-6617 Rocket Engine Test Bracket
Force Accessory
Plastic thumbscrew
Discover Collision
Force Range
±50 newtons (N)
Acceleration Range
up to ±16 g (1 g = 9.8 m/s
Angular Rotation Rate Range
up to ±2000 degrees per second
Force Resolution
0.03 N
0.1 N