Readying the PAS V
Be sure the battery is installed and fully charged, with the flashlight ON. There
should be no blinking red battery light.
2. Inspect the inlet/outlet ports of the PAS V to make sure that they are not clogged.
3. Conduct an air blank:
a. Turn on the flashlight and take an air sample by pressing the Sensor Control
Button; the green indicator light comes on
b. Observe the light bar for 15-20 seconds. If only the small green sampling
indicator light comes on, the air blank check is OK.
4. Clear a fuel cell overload (if one or more of the bar-graph indicator
lights comes on during air blank):
a. Turn the flashlight on to activate fuel cell heater (check that the HTR light is on).
This speeds the cell’s response, clearance and recovery time.
b. Turn off the PAS V. This also speeds the recovery of the fuel cell.
c. After 5 minutes, repeat the air blank making sure that the flashlight is on. If none
of the bar-graph indicator lights come on (after observing for 15-20 seconds), the
air blank check is OK.
d. If however, one or more of the indicator lights come on again, this clearance
process should be repeated. If after two attempts to clear the unit, the indicator
lights are still coming on when the air blank is performed, there are two
1. The unit requires an internal zero adjustment. To have this adjustment
made, the unit has to be returned to the manufacturer.
2. The air in the test room contains a significant amount of alcohol. To
determine if this is the case, air blanks should be made away from the test
room to see whether the unit gives a zero reading when removed from the
test area.
5. Once the air blank has been performed with a satisfactory result, the PASV unit
is ready for sensitivity testing.
Be sure the room air is free from alcohol and that the ambient temperature
is above 50
F. Do not have jars of stock solution or other alcohol open in the room
during testing.
NOTE: Throughout the procedure, the test conductor should check for a flashing
battery light to ensure that the battery is not running down during the testing