MIC 1400 Manual
Edition 1
Rate (Derivative)
This parameter is adjustable in the range 00 seconds to 99 minutes 59
seconds and specifies how the control action responds to the rate of
change in the process variable. This parameter is not available if Pb1 is
set to 0. Default value is 0.0. Display code is rAtE.
This parameter defines the portion of the proportional band (Pb1 + Pb2)
over which both outputs are active (or, in the case of a deadband, neither
output is active ). It is adjustable in the range -20% to +20% (negative
value = deadband). The function is illustrated in Figure A-1, page 49. This
parameter is not applicable if Pb1 = 0 or if there is no Output 2. Default
value is 0%. Display code is SPrd.
Note: With Output 2 set on ON/OFF (Figure A-1, page 50, Case 3) the
Overlap/Deadband parameter has the effect of moving the ON hysteresis
band of Output 2 to create an overlap (positive values) or a deadband
(negative values). When Overlap/Deadband = 0, the Output 2 OFF edge of
the Output 2 ON/OFF hysteresis band coincides with the point at which
Output 1 = 0%.
Manual Reset
This parameter is expressed as a percentage of output power and is ad-
justable in the range 0% to 100% (if only Output 1) or -100% to +100% (if
both Output 1 and Output 2). This parameter is not applicable if Pb1 = 0.
Default value is 25%. Display code is rSEt.
This parameter is a switching differential used when one or both outputs
have been set to ON/OFF. This parameter is adjustable within the range
0.1% to 10.0% of input span. Default value is 0.5%. Display code is HyS1,
HyS2, HySt. Note: Alarm output hysteresis is fixed at 2
Setpoint Upper Limit
This parameter is the maximum limit for setpoint adjustment. It should be
set to a value which prevents the setpoint being given a value which will
cause damage to the process. The range of adjustment is to Maximum
Input Range. Default value is Range Maximum. Display code is SPuL.