Technical manual-C190CubetapePRO
4.1 Overview
This chapter provides information on the communication options for the CubetapePRO. The
setup process for each communication method is described in depth in this chapter.
4.2 Connection via Bluetooth
The CubetapePRO includes an embedded Bluetooth unit with SPP and HID profiles available.
Cubetape can be connected to any device supporting SPP or HID profiles.
Cubetape needs to be paired and connected with a host before data can be
transferred. Pairing can be performed with no physical connection between the device
and the host. The process should be straight forward, but issues can arise across
different Bluetooth radio hardware, operating systems and Bluetooth stacks.
4.2.1 PC Requirements
For Windows users: Windows XP SP2 or later with either embedded or separate
Bluetooth module.
For Macintosh users: Mac OS X 10.2 or later.
4.2.2 Connection Procedure
The connection procedure can vary across PC or Mac platforms and under different versions of
operating systems. The instruction below provides a standard procedure on Windows 7 and
Mac OS X 10.9.