Sicherheitshinweise • Safety instructions
Transport and storage
The packaging of the awning must be protec
ted against wet and damp. Soaked packaging
can come loose and cause accidents.
Transport the awning to the place of instal
lation in the correct direction for fitting to
prevent turning it in small spaces.
If the awning has to be lifted to an elevated
area with the help of ropes, remove it from
the packaging and connect it with hauling
ropes so that it cannot slip out and pull it up
evenly in a horizontal position.
Proceed in the same manner when uninstal
ling the awning.
The awning must be protected against
penetrating damp when in storage!
Awnings must be stacked and unstacked so
that they do not prove a hazard to persons
due to tipping over or rolling out of position.
Only create storage facilities and stacks
that can securely take the load. Ensure that
the permissible loads of shelves and other
load-bearing components are not excee
You must comply with the general goods
storage principles.
Fixing material
The awning is delivered without any
fixing material
The fixing material must be selected by the
fitter to suit the existing fitting base and
reconciled in accordance with the require
ments of the system and fitting base.
You must comply with the specifications for
the required screw anchor pull-out forces.
According to the Directive for technical
advice, sale and installation of folding
arm awnings (BKTex Directive, Section 3.8),
dowels that are used to anchor folding arm
awnings must have a general building in
spectorate approval or a European Technical
Approval (ETA).
When using the fixing material ordered as
fitting accessories, we do not assume any
liability for professional fitting. The fitter is
solely responsible to ensure that the fixing
material is suitable for the respective fitting
base and that the fitting is done professio
You must adhere to the respective fitting
instructions of the screw anchor manufactu
The articulated brackets are under great
spring tension!
Test run
Persons must not stand in the moving area
or beneath the awning when it is extended
for the first time. The fixing materials and
consoles must be visually inspected after the
first extension.
You need the following equipment in order
to guarantee that the awning is properly
fitted, and therefore the optimal functioning
of the finished product:
Cordless screwdriver
• Drill
• Spirit level
• Ropes / belts
Complete tool kit
Equipment for working at height (scaf
folding, ladders, cherry picker, etc.) that
meet the current individual occupational
health and safety standards.
Apply a maximum force of 20 Nm (= 2 kgm)
when tightening all screws used for alumini
um components.
A greater tightening force may damage
the components and/or the stainless steel