May 1999
Action menu, Launch Graph, 2-20
administration of SLM Reports, 5-2
administration of SLV reports
creating customer profile, 5-3
creating report filters, 5-7
data export, 5-5
enabling data collection, 5-4
saving polling data, 5-4
scheduling, 5-5
Apache Web Server
setting up for SLM Reports, 1-18
UNIX installation, 1-10
User History Poller daemon, 1-18
verifying setup, 1-19
Windows installation, 1-7
application, starting Performance Wizard, 1-13
bar drop-down menu, 3-6, 4-3
burst, setting counting ranges, 2-11
configure device, frame size and burst ranges, 2-11
connection, edit, 2-10
customer profile, creating for SLM Reports, 5-3
Daily Details, historical data, 2-19
data collection, enabling for SLM Reports, 5-4
data export, for SLM reports, 5-5
default paths, during installation, 1-5
Delete Device option, removing devices, 2-8
device configuration
frame and burst ranges, 2-11
updating, 2-6
device database
populating, 2-4
removing entries, 2-8
Device Display Area
adding devices, 2-4
deleting devices, 2-8
locating devices, 2-8
Device Sync, updating device database, 2-6
device timeout, A-1
enabling and disabling polling, 3-5
locating in Device Display Area, 2-8
managing PVC connections, 2-9
removing from display, 2-8
selecting for an operation, 2-5
setting frame and burst ranges, 2-9
Diagnostic Tests
accessing from Navigation Wizard, 2-1, 6-2
description of, 6-1
obtaining online Help, 6-4
setting device community string, 2-21
starting from Navigation Wizard, 2-21
dialog boxes
Configure Device, 2-11
Device Sync, 2-6, 2-14
Edit Connection, 2-9
Edit Preferences, 2-14
Find, 2-8
New Device, 2-4
Performance, 2-14
Print, 3-7, 4-4
Update License Key, 1-16
Wizard Query, 2-8
disk space requirements, 1-3
frame size and burst ranges, 2-11
selecting for real time charts, 3-1