Block or ACAMI Assignment Method
The Assign By configuration option screen appears after you select a port.
To assign by the block or ACAMI method:
1. Press F2 for Block or F3 for ACAMI.
2. Press F1 (Next) to display the next configuration option (Port Rate).
3. Use the
key to scroll the desired port rate onto the screen. Rates scroll
in groups of three. Available selections depend on the current base rate selected
for the port. Press the corresponding Function key to select the port rate. Then,
select Next to display the Start At configuration option on the screen.
NOTE: For port-to-port mapping, the procedure is complete after the port rate is
4. The Start At screen displays the configuration option used to select the starting
DS0 channel. If the destination selected is the network interface, then the network
channels appear on the screen. If the destination selected is the DTE Drop/Insert
(DSX-1) interface, then these channels appear on the screen.
Use the
key to scroll the desired channel onto the screen. Use the
Function keys to select the starting channel. Only those DS0 channel numbers that
provide enough bandwidth (based on the configured data rate) to be used as a
starting channel number are displayed. Channel allocation for this port can only be
cleared by selecting Clear.
Individual Channel Assignment Method
The Assign By configuration option screen appears after you select a port. To assign by
the individual channel method:
1. Press the
key once to bring the Chan selection onto the screen.
2. Press F3 (Chan).
3. Press F1 (Next) to display the next configuration option (channel allocation).
4. Line 1 displays the 24 channels for the network interface or the DTE Drop/Insert
(DSX-1) interface, depending on which destination was chosen. Pressing the
key scrolls the channels onto the screen in groups of three. Select the channel
by pressing the Function key under the desired number. Port
n appears. The port is
assigned to that channel. To deallocate a port, press the Function key under that
port number.