Configuration Option Tables
June 1997
Table A-1.
System Options (3 of 3)
Test Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Allows user-initiated tests to end automatically. Recommend enabling when the unit is
managed remotely through the IMC to avoid the requirement to terminate the test
Enable – User-initiated loopback and pattern tests end when test duration is reached.
Disable – Tests can be terminated manually from the Network Tests screen. Refer to
Network Tests
in Chapter 7.
Tests initiated by the DTE or network are not affected by this test timeout.
Test Duration (min)
Possible Settings: 1–120
Default Setting: 10
Number of minutes for a test to be active before automatically ending.
Test Duration (min) option appears when Test Timeout is enabled.
1 to 120 – Amount of time in minutes for a user-initiated test to run before terminating.