Configuration Option Tables
November 1996
Table A-5.
Management Port Options (2 of 3)
Port Type
Possible Settings: Asynchronous, Synchronous
Default Setting: Synchronous
Establishes asynchronous or synchronous communication for the Management port.
Port Type option can be changed only when Port Use is set to Net Link.
Asynchronous – Port set for asynchronous communication.
Asynchronous displays when Port Use is set to Alarms and cannot be changed.
Synchronous – Port set for synchronous communication.
Clock Source
Possible Settings: Internal, External
Default Setting: Internal
Specifies internal or external clocking.
Clock Source option appears when Port Type is set to Synchronous.
Internal – Clocking is provided internally.
External – Clocking is provided externally. The Management port is always defined as a
DCE. This option setting forces the Management port to use external transmit clocking
(XTXC or TT) from a connected device (DTE).
Data Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4
Default Setting: 9.6
Specifies the Management port data rate in kbps.
Data Rate (Kbps) option does not appear when Port Type is set to Synchronous
with Clock Source set to External.
2.4 to 38.4 – Selects a Management port data rate from 2.4 to 38.4 kbps.
2.4 kbps and 4.8 kbps only appear when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
Character Length
Possible Settings: 7, 8
Default Setting: 8
Specifies the number of bits needed to represent one character.
Character Length option appears when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
7 or 8 – Sets the bits per character.
Possible Settings: None, Even, Odd
Default Setting: None
Specifies the Parity on the Management port.
Parity option appears when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
None – Provides no parity.
Even – Parity is even.
Odd – Parity is odd.