Step 6): Installing Vertical Poles: Place two vertical poles next to each U-
Pipe. Next connect one vertical pole to either end of each U-Pipe as shown.
Be sure that all pins snap into place
Step 7): Installing the Top Rails: It is recommended to independently layout
the Top Rails along the perimeter of the pool (including the Top-Corner
Rails). This will help with the location of each Top Rail in relationship to the
liner. (Figure 2) At each corner of the pool, the liner is opened to insert the
Top Rails. It is recommended to connect the Top Rails (straight pieces only)
for each side (2 long and 2 short) and insert through the liner opening as one
piece. Make sure all pins and holes are facing downward before inserting
each section of Top Rail through the liner opening. Also check to see that
the holes on the bottom of the Top-Rail line up with the cutouts of the liner.
These are where the Vertical Poles will be set into the Top-Rails.