Operation manual of solar controller SR658
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System 15: Solar system with 1 collector field, heat exchanger and swimming pool
The controller calculates the temperature difference between collector sensor T1 and heat
exchanger sensor T2. If the difference is larger than or identical to the adjusted switch-on
temperature difference, then solar circulation pump (R1) will be switched on. When
temperature difference between collector sensor T1 and heat exchanger sensor T2 drops to
the switch-off temperature difference or the maximum swimming pool temperature is
reached, then solar pump R1 is ceased.
By using another temperature difference between T4 and T2, R2 can be trigged to heat
swimming pool.
The controller calculates the temperature difference between heat exchanger sensor T4 and
swimming pool T2. If the difference is larger than or identical to the adjusted switch-on
temperature difference, then solar circulation pump (R2) will be switched on. When
temperature difference between heat exchanger sensor T4 and swimming pool T2 drops to
the switch-off temperature difference or the maximum swimming pool (T2) temperature is
reached, then solar pump R2 is ceased.
when T4 is not installed, then temperature difference between collector T1 and
swimming pool T2 is larger than or identical to the adjusted switch-on temperature difference,
then solar circulation pump (R1 and R2) will be switched on simultaneously. And when
temperature difference between collector sensor T1 and swimming pool T2 drops to the
switch-off temperature difference or the maximum swimming pool (T2) temperature is
reached, then solar pump R1 and R2 are ceased simultaneously.
Sensor Description
Relay Description
Optional sensor, undefined
Solar circulation pump 1
Temperature of collector
Solar circulation pump 2
Temperature of swimming pool
Solid fuel boiler