Pressing the left/right arrows on the “IN 04” line allows the user to select the meaning of
the fourth input dry contact (between IN pins 7 and 8), default is Close. Close means
there is nothing assigned to this input dry contact.
After making all the necessary changes on this page, press the “Save Config” button to
save the changes.
Press the down arrow to go to the next page. Press the up and over arrow to return to
the Advanced Setting Menu page.
Figure 55: Input Dry Contact Setting Page
– 3-Phase UPS Only
Output Dry Contact Setting Page
The main body of this page contains the settings for the four output dry contacts internal
in the UPS.
Pressing on the
button field next to the “OUT 1” contact toggles the sense of this output
contact between
“Normally Opened” and “Normally Closed”. Pressing the left/right
arrows on the “OUT 01” line allows the user to select the meaning (close, UPS Warning,
Online Mode, Battery Mode, Bypass Mode, INV Overload, Fan Fault, Battery Fault,
Battery Disconnected, Battery Low Voltage, Mains Abnormal, Bypass Not Available,
EPO, Maintenance Bypass Mode, Parallel Communications Fault, or ECO Mode) of the
first output dry contact (between OUT pins 1 and 2), default is Close.
Pressing on the button field next to the “OUT 2” contact toggles the sense of this output
contact between “Normally Opened” and “Normally Closed”. Pressing the left/right
arrows on the “OUT 02” line allows the user to select the meaning of the second output
dry contact (between OUT pins 3 and 4), default is Close.