background image



4.5- Operation times

It may be useful to see the operati on ti mes for regular maintenance operati ons.

From the main screen, press both butt ons ↑↓ at the same ti me.


Carefully follow the recommendati ons and safety warnings detailed in secti on 1.4 of this manual.

The chlorinator has a self-cleaning system of the chlorinati on cell, which reduces maintenance 

considerably. In any event, it is advisable to clean the cell and check the chlorine (Redox), free 

chlorine or pH probe if available.

Bear in mind that both the electrolysis cell and the REDOX probe wear out through use. If aft er 

cleaning, the equipment does not work normally, the probe or cell should be replaced. Your dealer 

will be able to advise you on the need to change these elements.

5.1- Cleaning the electrolysis cell

The electrolysis cell should be cleaned in the following circumstances:

• If the low level of salt indicator comes on and the concentrati on is correct.
• If the overload indicator comes on and the level of salt is correct.
• If lime scale is observed on the surfaces of electrodes. In this case, the equipment can also 

be adjusted so that the frequency between each automati c cleaning operati on is less. This 

frequency will depend on the hardness of water in your area.

Submerge the cell in a hydrochloric acid soluti on, or use a commercial product to clean electrolysis 

cells (NETACEL). Do not use sharp objects that could damage the ti tanium coati ng of the 


5.2- Checking and maintenance of the Redox probe 


Select Menu, and Man. Chl.
Adjust the chlorine to 0%. Go back to the display screen.
Rinse the probe carefully in clean water.
Insert the probe into a 465mV standard soluti on and sti r gently. Observe the voltage on the label, 

which corresponds to the ambient temperature at that ti me. Wait for the reading of the ORP value 

displayed on the screen to stabilize.
Check that the value does not diff er by more than about 10 mV of the value indicated on the label. 

If the value is incorrect, it can be att empted to regenerate the probe by cleaning it. In any event, 

annual cleaning is always advisable.

• Sti r the probe in a glass of water, in which a spoonful of dishwashing detergent has been 

mixed. Rinse well in clean water.

• Mix a commercial brand of hydrochloric acid at 23% in a glass, with four ti mes its volume of 

water. Leave the probe in the soluti on for a few minutes, sti rring from ti me to ti me.



Страница 2: ...e conexionado hidr ulico 7 3 3 Esquema de conexionado el ctrico 10 4 PUESTA EN MARCHA Y AJUSTES 13 4 1 Equipos serie SMARTCLORO 13 4 2 Equipos serie SMARTCLORO PLUS PH 14 4 3 Mensajes de advertencia y...

Страница 3: ...consta de un control electr nico de mando y regulaci n y de una c lula de electrolisis por la que se hace circular el agua de la piscina instalada en el retorno del circuito de filtrado Si mantiene el...

Страница 4: ...realizar cualquier operaci n de montaje o mantenimiento Aseg rese de que la instalaci n el ctrica dispone de los elementos de protecci n obligatorios magnetot rmico y diferencial y que stos funcionan...

Страница 5: ...nstalaciones de cloraci n salina ya que est pensada para facilitar su r pida disoluci n y obtener unos resultados ptimos en su instalaci n La podr encontrar en comercios especializados en productos pa...

Страница 6: ...tener la distancia m nima a la c lula habr que montarla antes del filtro en este caso hay que realizar un mantenimiento de la sonda m s frecuente ver p rrafo 5 2 en Mantenimiento m s adelante Es impre...

Страница 7: ...rna SMARTCLPLUSPH15230 SMARTCLPLUSPH25230 SMARTCLPLUSPH35230 1 De la piscina 2 A la piscina 3 C lula de electr lisis 4 Cable c lula 5 Clorador salino 6 Toma de alimentaci n 7 Filtro 8 Cable de la bomb...

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Страница 10: HCl 0 1M durante 20 segundos A continuaci n acondicionar y calibrar de nuevo el sensor 3 2 6 Kit sonda temperatura opcional para equipos SMARTCLORO PLUS PH El kit sonda temperatura le permite la l...

Страница 11: ...ncionamiento permite dejar el equipo encendido de forma permanente de manera que cuando se ponga en marcha la bomba de filtraci n esta dar la orden de puesta en marcha al clorador Cuando la bomba se d...

Страница 12: ...salida de la alimentaci n de la bomba de filtraci n Conex n foco CONEXI N BOMBA PH CONEXI N RELE AUX CONEXI N FILTRO 3 4 INTERRUPTOR ENCENDIDO L N L N SW1 SW2 PH1 PH2 Aux Aux Filtro Filtro Tierra alim...

Страница 13: ...enta la producci n y con P1 se disminuye Los LEDs verdes LED1 a LED5 indican la producci n de cloro 0 25 50 75 y 100 del total El ajuste se mantiene en memoria aunque se apague el clorador 4 1 2 Mensa...

Страница 14: ...a pH On Off Control Ciclo de limpieza de la c lula Men rel cido alcalino pH min On Off MARCHA PARO pH m x Tiempo en minutos Alarma pH S N Programa 1 ORP min Programa 2 ORP m x Programa OFF Volumen de...

Страница 15: lectura del pH siempre y cuando el equipo lo lleve integrado y el estado del rel La 4 l nea muestra Men pulsando el bot n OK se accede al men y la hora del reloj Adem s si se produce cualquier alar...

Страница 16: o no el valor de la sonda Redox ORP en la pantalla principal Seleccione este modo si no dispone de un Kit sonda SMART ajustando la producci n y las horas de filtraci n en funci n de la naturaleza d...

Страница 17: ...Alcalino Esta opci n le permite seleccionar el tipo de corrector de pH que va a utilizar en su piscina Atenci n Debe seleccionarlo correctamente de no ser as el sistema de dosificaci n funcionar de l...

Страница 18: ...hacemos que el equipo autom ticamente reduzca su producci n a la si esta en el interior para evitar excesos de cloro 4 2 4 8 Cubierta El equipo puede detectar la presencia de una cubierta en la piscin...

Страница 19: ...m tico que se haya seleccionado 4 2 5 2 Ajuste de valor de consigna Max ORP o Max PPM Modo ORP en el cual se instala una sonda de Redox OPCIONAL En este caso ajustaremos el potencial de oxidaci n al n...

Страница 20: piscina y aparece nicamente en los equipos de la serie SMART PH E 4 2 6 1 Pantalla principal La lectura de la sonda de pH puede observarse en la 3 l nea de la pantalla principal La regulaci n del p...

Страница 21: ...Saque la sonda de la primera soluci n sac dala p sela por el agua Elimine sta sacudiendo de nuevo la sonda Acabe de enjuagar suavemente con un pa o limpio sin frotar Sum rjala en la soluci n patr n de...

Страница 22: ...seleccionamos S y nos quedar en pantalla ALCALI ACIDO 4 2 6 8 Paro autom tico y mensaje de error Si se para la bomba de cido y aparece el mensaje pH ERROR la bomba ha estado demasiado tiempo en march...

Страница 23: ...ormar mediante una alarma el equipo no puede trabajar bajo esas condiciones y muestra un aviso ac stico y visual o una advertencia el equipo puede seguir trabajando sin embargo debe tomarse alguna acc...

Страница 24: la c lula SIN FLUJO Exceso de gas en la c lula de electrolisis Puede deberse a que la bomba se haya parado El gas es hidr geno muy inflamable Debemos purgar la tuber a para eliminar el gas o el air...

Страница 25: ...n en posici n vertical Colocar el equipo de forma que tenga circulaci n de aire para una correcta refrigeraci n 4 4 1 1 Mensajes de advertencia adicionales Valor ORP o PPM parpadeando En modo autom t...

Страница 26: ...tirar el cuerpo met lico de las l minas CIRCUITO ABIERTO C lula mal conectada Revise la conexi n de la c lula y que los cables y terminales de conexi n se encuentren en perfecto estado C lula da ada o...

Страница 27: correcta Si se activa el indicador de sobrecarga y el nivel de sal es correcto Si observa incrustaciones de cal en las superficies de los electrodos En este caso adem s puede ajustar el equipo de m...

Страница 28: ...o seca un tiempo se puede regenerar con la soluci n de cido clorh drico 5 3 Comprobaci n y mantenimiento de la sonda de pH Al menos una vez al a o se recomienda limpiar y comprobar la sonda Ag tela en...

Страница 29: ...s Medida DPD 1 incorrecta debido a una muestra de agua de salinidad elevada Incrementar el tiempo de espera en la reacci n de los Fallo en la estanqueidad del sensor Revisar juntas de estanqueidad del...

Страница 30: ...o es aplicable bajo condiciones en las cuales a criterio de VDE hayan afectado su funcionamiento y comportamiento incluidas pero no limi tadas a a Manejo incorrecto b Instalaciones o aplicaciones inad...


Страница 32: ...rations 36 3 2 Hydraulic connection diagram 37 3 3 Electrical wiring diagram 40 4 START UP AND ADJUSTMENTS 43 4 1 SMARTCLORO Series Equipment 43 4 2 SMARTCLORO PLUS PH Series Equipment 44 4 3 Warning...

Страница 33: ...ctronic monitoring and regulation control and an electrolysis cell through which the pool water circulates and which is installed in the filtering circuit return If the salt water chlorinator equipmen...

Страница 34: ...he equipment from the mains before performing any assembly or maintenance operation Make sure that the electrical installation has all compulsory protection elements circuit breaker and di erential sw...

Страница 35: ...specially prepared for use in salt water chlorination installations as it is especially prepared for rapid dissolution and to achieve optimum results You can find it at retailers specializing in swimm...

Страница 36: ...installed after the filter but if with this layout it is not possible to keep a minimum distance from the cell it should be assembled before the filter In this case more frequent maintenance of the pr...

Страница 37: ...Saline chlorinator 6 Mains input 7 Filter 8 Pump cable 9 Pump 10 Redox Probe Keep as far away from the cell as possible Approx 0 5m 11 Acid Keep the acid as far away from the equipment as possible If...

Страница 38: ...flange 10 in the pipe as indicated in the hydraulic connection diagram The flange 10 corresponds to the injector and should be connected after the electrolysis cell 2 Place the flange 7 in the pipe as...

Страница 39: ...ation reaction of an analyte once a suitable electric potential is applied Current intensity is proportional to the amount of hypochlorous acid present in the solution Bear in mind that hypochlorous a...

Страница 40: HC10 1M solution for 20 seconds The sensor can then be prepared and calibrated again 3 2 6 Temperature probe kit opcional for SMARTCLORO PLUS PH equipment The temperature probe kit enables you to t...

Страница 41: ...N SW PH R AUX FILTER LK2 3 3 3 Advanced Functions 3 3 3 1 Stop start control This mode enables you to keep the equipment on permanently so that when the filtering pump starts up it will instruct the...

Страница 42: ...taci n de la bomba de filtraci n Conex n foco CONEXI N BOMBA PH CONEXI N RELE AUX CONEXI N FILTRO 3 4 INTERRUPTOR ENCENDIDO L N L N SW1 SW2 PH1 PH2 Aux Aux Filtro Filtro Tierra alimentaci n 220v Fase...

Страница 43: ...reases production and P1 decreases it The green LEDS LED1 TO LED 5 indicate chlorine production 0 25 50 75 and 100 of the total Adjustment is stored in the memory even though the chlorinator is off 4...

Страница 44: ...rol Cell cleaning cycle Relay menu Acid Alkaline pH min On Off START STOP pH max Time in minutes pH Alarm S N Programme 1 ORP min Programme 2 ORP max OFF Programme Volume of swimming pool in m2 Indoor...

Страница 45: ...ird line displays the pH reading as long as it is fitted in the equipment and the relay status The fourth line displays the Menu press the OK button to access the menu and the time on the clock If any...

Страница 46: the value of the Redox probe ORP on the main screen Select this mode if you do not have a SMART probe Kit by adjusting production and hours of filtering depending on the nature of your swimming p...

Страница 47: ...hours 4 2 4 4 Acid Alkaline With this option you can select the type of pH corrector to be used in your swimming pool Attention It should be selected correctly otherwise the dosing system will work o...

Страница 48: ...y reduces production to if it is an indoor pool to avoid excess chlorine 4 2 4 8 Cover The equipment may detect the presence of a cover on the swimming pool only for automatic covers In this case it i...

Страница 49: ...eration mode manual automatic that is selected 4 2 5 2 Adjustment of the set value Max ORP or Max PPM ORP Mode in which a Redox probe OPTIONAL is installed In this case adjust the oxidation potential...

Страница 50: related to the pH adjustment of your swimming pool It only appears in SMARTCLORO PH series equipment 4 2 6 1 Main screen The reading of the pH probe can be seen in the 3rd line of the main screen p...

Страница 51: ...e the probe from the first solution shake it and pass it through the water Remove this water by shaking the probe again Finish rinsing it gently with a clean cloth without rubbing Submerge it in the p...

Страница 52: ...he ALKALI screen ACID 4 2 6 8 Automatic shutdown and error message If the acid pump shuts down and the message pH ERROR appears the pump has been operating too long without the pH value lowering to th...

Страница 53: will inform you through an alarm the equipment cannot operate under these conditions and gives an acoustic and visual alarm or a warning the equipment cannot continue operating and corrective actio...

Страница 54: ...ll causing excess current Clean the cell NO WATER FLOW Excess gas in the electrolysis cell It may be because the pump has shutdown The gas is hydrogen gas which is highly flammable The piping should b...

Страница 55: 4 Installation The radiator fins are obstructed or are not in a vertical position Place the equipment so that air is circulated for correct cooling 4 4 1 1 Additional warning messages ORP or PPM va...

Страница 56: and remove the metal body from the plates OPEN CIRCUIT Cell is incorrectly connected Check the cell connection and ensure that cables and connection terminals are in good condition Cell is...

Страница 57: ...also be adjusted so that the frequency between each automatic cleaning operation is less This frequency will depend on the hardness of water in your area Submerge the cell in a hydrochloric acid solu...

Страница 58: ...hydrochloric acid solution 5 3 Checking and maintenance of the pH probe It is recommended to clean and check the probe at least once a year Stir it in a glass of water in which a spoonful of detergent...

Страница 59: ...t owing to a sample of water with high salinity Increase the waiting time in the reaction of the DPD measurement reactives Failure in sealing of the sensor Check sealing rings of the sensor The pH of...

Страница 60: ...MIPA SMCL 150604...
