Using Web Browser Control
You can use a Web browser to control the unit and set up a network and password.
Before Using Web Browser Control
To use the Web browser control, the unit and computer setups are required.
Unit Setup
Set each “Network Setup” setting and make sure to set the “Control I/F Select” to “LAN”. (see page 47)
Computer Setup
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1. Display [Internet Properties] window.
Click [Start] – [Control Panel] – [Network and Internet]
– [Internet Options].
2. Click the [Connections] tab and then [LAN Settings].
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Enable JavaScript
1. Display [Internet Properties] window.
Click [Start] – [Control Panel] – [Network and Internet]
– [Internet Options].
2. Set the security level on the [Security] tab to [Default
Level]. Alternatively enable [Active scripting] from the
[Custom Level] button.
1. From the [Safari] menu, click [Preferences].
General screen is displayed.
2. From the [Advanced] tab, click the [Change
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4. Click [Apply Now].
Enable JavaScript
1. Display [Security] of Safari.
2. Select [Enable JavaScript] under [Web content].
Access from Web Browser
Access to the TOP screen of the Web browser control using a Web browser.
1. Start your Web browser.
2. Enter the IP address set with the “LAN Setup” of the
unit. (see page 48)
3. Enter the user name and password when the
Authentication screen is displayed.
Authentication screen
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After logged in, the TOP screen of the Web browser
control is displayed. (see page 58)
+ The password used here is the same password
used for command control and the PJLink™ security
+ Default user name and password are as follows:
User name: user1
Password: panasonic
+ The password can be changed on the Password
Setup screen after logging in (see page 59). The
user name cannot be changed.
+ Under no circumstances, Panasonic Corporation or
it’s associated companies will ask customers their
password directly. Even if you are asked directly,
please do not reveal your password.