Limited Warranty (For U.S.A. Only)
Panasonic Consumer Electronics
Company, Division of Matsushita
Electric Corporation of America
One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New
Jersey 07094
Panasonic Sales Company,
Division of Matsushita Electric of
Puerto Rico, Inc.
A v e . 6 5 d e I n f a n t e r i a , K m . 9 . 5 , S a n
Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina, Puerto
R i c o 0 0 9 8 5
Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty Coverage
If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship,
Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company or Panasonic Sales Company (collectively
r e f e r r e d t o a s “ t h e w a r r a n t o r ” ) w i l l , f o r t h e l e n g t h o f t h e p e r i o d i n d i c a t e d o n t h e c h a r t b e l o w ,
which starts with the date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either (a)
repair your product with new or refurbished parts, or (b) replace it with a new or a
r e f u r b i s h e d p r o d u c t . T h e d e c i s i o n t o r e p a i r o r r e p l a c e w i l l b e m a d e b y t h e w a r r a n t o r .
P r o d u c t o r P a r t N a m e
SD Multi AV Device, SD Mobile Printer
(except items listed below)
L a b o r
One (1) year
Ninety (90) days
CMOS Camera Assembly
Six (6) months
Ninety (90) days
Rechargeable Battery Pack, SD Memory Card, AC Adaptor
USB Reader-Writer (in exchange for defective item)
Ninety (90) days
Not Applicable
During the “Labor” warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts”
warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. You
carry-in or mail-in your product
during the warranty period. If non-rechargeable batteries are included, they are not
warranted. This warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United
Puerto Rico. This warranty is extended only
the original purchaser of a new
product which was not sold “as is”.
A purchase receipt or other proof of the original purchase date is required for warranty
Carry-In or Mail-In Service
For Carry-In or Mail-In Service in the United States call l-800-211
(I-800-21 l-7262).
For assistance in Puerto Rico call Panasonic Sales Company
or fax (787)-
7 6 8 - 2 9 1 0 .
6 0
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