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Содержание SR-TMB10

Страница 1: ...tents S 17 lmportantsafeguards 1 Cautions 2 Brown rice 7 8 Soup 9 1 0 Slow cook 11 1 2 Howto steamfood 13 14 Howto usericecookerfor baking 15 16 Howto use Timer 1 7 1 8 How to clean 19 Recipes 20 23 Troubf eshooting 24 Specilications 25 I Beforeoperatingthis unit pleasereadtheseinstructionscompletely ...

Страница 2: ...ustbeusedwhenmoving anappliance containing hotoilorotherhotliquids 12 Always attach plugtoappliance first thenplugcordintothewall outlet Todisconnect turnanycontrol to off thenremove plug fromwalloutlet 13 Donotuseappliance forother thanintended use 14 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Thisproduct isintended lorhousehold use NOTE A A shortpower supply cord orcordset isprovided to reduce thehazards resulting...

Страница 3: ...Tcover thelidwitha cloth Thelidmaydeform orchange color I I Settheunitona stable surface DONOTexpose towater highhumidity or heatsources DONOTusethepandirectly onanopenflame I Theunitbecomes hotwheninuse DONOTtouch thelidwithyourhand anddonotplaceyourfaceor handdirectly overthesteamcoming fromthesteamcap I DONOTdamage thepowercordand DONOTattempt to repairit if it isdamaged Consult yournearest aut...

Страница 4: ...ows r Remove andemptythedewcollector aftereveryuse I Remove andcleanaftereveryuse See Howto Clean page19 r WhiteRice BrownRice Soup Cake SlowCook Steam Timer Cooking Timer cordincluded Accessories v t Measuring Cup Approx 180ml 4 iceScoop Steaming Basket I 3 ...

Страница 5: ...ake 20 65 minutes Slow Cook 1 12 hrs Steam 1 60minutes 5 Start Start cooking timercooking lcoltvtenu 1 2 3 lco Menu Cooking Timer 2 1 3 tconraenu 1 WhiteRice MixedRice Glutinous Rice Timetocook 2 BrownRice Timetocook 3 Soup Timetocook 4 Cake Timetocook 5 SlowCook Timetocook 6 Steam Timetocook 30 40minutes t hour t hour 20 65 minutes 1 12 hours 1 60minutes Lco Menu Timer 1 Arrowpoint toselected men...

Страница 6: ...omrightto left untilitsettles properly Closethe lid The lid is lockedproperlywhen it clicks Donotrinsericeintheprovided pan Non stick coating maybedamaged Adjust thequantity ofwaterto yourpersonal taste Wipethesurface ofthepan before use lf itiswet it may causenoisewhilecooking A thepanandcastheater may damagethe unit I lf the lid is not securelyclosed cookingwill be affected I Do notopenthe lidwh...

Страница 7: ...ricecooker beeps andautomatically switches tothe KeepWarm mode The KeepWarm Offllamp lights upinstead I Scoop andmixthericewellwithin15minutes after cooking isfinished I Donotpluginunless preparation iscomplete otherwise damage mayoccur I lfyouwanttosetthetimerfor cooking please referto Howtousetimer onpage17 18 I Frequent opening ofthelidafter cooking mayresult inexcess waterandcausethedewcollect...

Страница 8: fromrl htto leftuntilit settles properly Donotrinsericeintheprovided pan Non stick coating maybedamaged r Adjustthequantity ofwatertoyour personal taste Wrpe p sgrlace o pan before use lfitiswet itmaY causenoisewhilecooking Anyfglglgn nq 9 9 ry9q1 thepanandcast heater may damagethe unit lf the lid is not securelyclosed cooking will be affected Do notopenthe lidwhen in use Donotpluginunless prep...

Страница 9: ...hencookingis finished the ricecookerbeepsand automatically switchesto the Keep Warm mode The Keep Warm Off lamp lights up instead r Scoopand mixthe ricewellwithin15 isfinished minutesaftercooking lfyouwantto setthetimerforcooking pleasereferto Howto usetimer on page17 18 r Frequent opening ofthelidafter cooking mayresultinexcess waterandcause thedewcollector to overflow Usershould always empty the...

Страница 10: ...Soup tunction The Start lightflashes WhiteRice BrownRice Soup Cake SlowCook Steam White Rice BrownRice Soup I WrPe t 9 surface oflhe Pan beforeuse lf itiswet it maY cause noise whilecookingl Anyforeign matterbetween lheganqnqgqsth94ermqy qeqeC thqglit r Donotcookbeyond maximum waterlevel r lf the lid is notsecurelyclosed cookingwill be afiected r Do notopenthe lidwhen in use r Donotpluginunless pr...

Страница 11: ...encooking starts r Whencooking isfinished thericecookerbeepsandautomatically switches to the KeepWarm mode The KeepWarm Offllamp lights upinstead lf youwantto exitthe KeepWarm mode press KeepWarm ffi key 7 Unplug theunit when theunit isnotinuse 10 ...

Страница 12: ...ytoselect the SlowGook function ThelStartl lightflashes 1H 1hour0 minute isdisplayed ontheLCDasthedefault cooking timeforthe SlowCook function r beforeuse lf it iswet it may c AnTforeign matterbetween thepanandcastheatermay arnage theunit I Quantity ofingredients andseasonings putintothepanshallnotexceed water levelotherwise uncooked mayoccur r lf the lid is notsecurelyclosecl cookingwill be affec...

Страница 13: ...lamplightsupwhencooking starts r TheLCDwillchange every thirty minutes toshowtheremaining cooking time Thedisplay willcount downbyone minute increments whenthe remaining timereaches t hour r When thedesired cooking timeiscogrplete thericecooker beeps and automatically switches tothe KeepWarm mode The KeepWarm Offl lamplights upinstead lfyouwantto exitthe KeepWarm mode press KeepWarm Offlkey Unplug...

Страница 14: ...ctly in contactwithcastheaterby turningit slightlyfrom r Incaseofsteaming foodduringcooking riceat bottom maximum cooking capacity should be 3 cuDS r Wipethesqlaceofthepalt beforeuse lf it iswet it may cause noise while cooking 4lylqre gn T9 949 ry9en lhe pe 3qdcqqlgatgl llqy damage theunit r lf the lid is notsecurelyclosed cookingwillbe affected r Donotpluginunless preparation iscomplete otherwis...

Страница 15: ...tswhen steamingstarts r The remaining cookingtime is displayedon LCDand it countdowns in 1 minuteincrementafterthe wateris boiled r Whenthe presetcookingtimeelapsesor whenwater evaporates completely the ricecookerbeepsand automatically switchesto the Keep Warm mode The Keep Warm Off lamplightsup instead qi lfyouwantto exit KeepWarm moOe press KeepWarm Off key Unplug theunitwhentheu nit isnotinuse ...

Страница 16: ...tly from rightto leftuntilitsettlesproperly Closethe lid The lid is lockedproperlywhen it clicks Plugin theunit r Do not cook beyond 24 702 700 g Wipellgrc4cg 1 9lql before use lf itiswet itmay causd noise whileCooking 4rylrdSn matterbetween the lq e 9 9eq hgqtg1_may damage theunit r lf the lid is not securelyclosed cookingwill be affected I Do notopenthe lidwhen in use r Donotpluginunless prepara...

Страница 17: ...the desiredbakingtime is complete the ricecookerbeepsand automatically switchesto the Keep Warm mode The Keep Warm Offl lamplightsup instead Pressthe Keep Warm Off key to exitthe Keep Warm modeand immediately openthe lid Unplug theunitwhentheunitisnotinuse Bring thepanoutandleave itcoolfor 2 3minutes Thenputthepanupside downontoa trayorgrill r Baking timedepends onquantity andtypeof cake r Do noto...

Страница 18: ...ce BrownRice Soup 1 00 13 00 1 30 13 00 1 00 13 00 Ws Pressthe Timerlkeyto selectthetimersetting Thefirsttimethe Timerlkeyispressed theprevious timersetting willbedisplayed Thetimerwilladvance 30minutes eachtimethe Timer keyispressed Youcankeepthekeypressed sothatthetimer changes continuously Pressthe Stan key I Thelstartl lampgoesoffandthe Timer lamplightsinstead r Assoonascooking starts the Time...

Страница 19: ...lf youwantto exitthe KeepWarm mode press KeepWarm Off key ffireffi WWo Unplug theunitwhentheunitisnotinuse 18 ...

Страница 20: ...6 intothe slotof the cap andturnit fromleftto rightuntilit 2 Putthesteam capintothehole ofthelid Howtofitsteamdome lncaseit isaccidentally takenoff Place steam domeintoitsholder byinserting steam dometap into slot Steam domemark and steamcapmark mustbeinthe same line then press steamdomeinto steamcapuntil itseatsproperly o9 You willhearthesound Click cloth DO NOT remove Wipewitha dampcloth o DONOT...

Страница 21: ...grated freshginger 4 oz medium shrimp peeled deveined anddiced into1 2 inch pieces 1 4tso salt Pinch offreshly ground black pepper 2 tbs soysauce 2 tsp fishsauce 1tbs ricewinevinegar 1egg friedandchopped 2 green onions chopped 2 tbs shredded coconut lightly toasted 2 limes cutintoquarters Placerice insidepan and add waterto line 2 chart insidepan Press Menu keyto select White Rice cookingprogram a...

Страница 22: soy sauce watercress salt and pepper Add oil and blendwell Place 1 Tbs fillingin centerof each wonton wrapper and wrap according to package instructions Pinch edges together withfingersor usea potsticker moldto formdumplings Add l cup water to pan place6 8 dumplingson steamingbasketand place steamingbasket insidepan Press Menu key to select Steam cooking programand set timefor 10 minutes and pr...

Страница 23: ...uartered 5 oz 142g 20 25 Summer Squash Zucchini cut up 1 lb 454g 5 10 WinterSquash Pieces 1 lb 454g 20 30 Acorn Squash half 1lb aSa g 17 20 Spinach 5 oz 142g 6 8 FrozenMixedVegetables 10oz 284s 6 8 Beatbutteruntilflufiy Pourchocolate cakemixina bowlandslowlyaddwater andeggs Whiskat lowspeedfor 1 minute increase speedto medium and continue to beatabout4 minutes sweepbowlsidewithrubber paddle and th...

Страница 24: ... seededand Add 1 Quartboillingwater musselsand clamsand cook roughlychopped 1 clovegarlic minced Placethe cookedingredients in the ricecookerpan andclosethe lid 1 teaspoondriedbasil Select Soup and Startheating 1 teaspoondriedoregano After30 minutes add noodles closethe lid and let standuntilbeepsounds 1 zteaspoonfennelseeds crushed Serves3 4 ouncesextrawidenoodles 1 zpoundmussels 1 zpoundclams 1 ...

Страница 25: ...a Pan not adequatelyclean a a Didnotpushinplug orturnonswitch a a Solutions at Cake Cooking Baking CakeProblems z o o il o a E o o E d Details a a o o F x o o a o o o I ot F o o v o F a o 8 P r u o c J o z o c f Toomuch mix in pan beforebaking a a z o E o o c e o o x o o c a o o o c q o o 0 c o o o o o 6 x o Not enough mix in pan bejore baking a a Usewith incomoatiblecake mix a a a a Usewith cake ...

Страница 26: ... capacity WhiteRice 1 5 5 cups Glutinous Rice 1 3cups MixedRice 1 4cups BrownRice 1 3cups Soup SlowCook 1 7L Cake 24 7oz 700g Capacity 0 18 1 0L Dimension Hx W x D approx 245x248x247mm Weight approx 2 4kg KeepWarm White Rice 12hours Power consumption isapproximately 2 W whenthericecooker isturnedoff 25 ...

Страница 27: ... a I r r a l a r I I r r r r I I l a l r I r r l a r r r r r t I I l l l l r r r r l r r I r I t r r r r a a r t r r t a I r r I r r I r a a a a r r r r r r I I I r I r a t r r r t r r a r a r r r r a r r r r r r t r t t r r r r t r r a a t r r t r r t r r t a r r r r r r a r r r a r r r r r r l a r r r a r r a l t a a a l l l a a t r a l r l l a a r r r r l r r r l a l t r r r r r a a r r r r r r...

Страница 28: ...ducts byvisiting ourWebSiteat http IIwww p asc panasonic com or sendyourrequest bYE mailto npcparts us panesonic com Youmayalsocontactusdirectly at 1 800 332 5368 Phone 1 800 237 9080 FaxOnly Monday Friday 9 amto I pm EST Panasonic Services Company 2042184thAvenueSouth Kent WA98032 WeAcceptVisa MasterOard Discover Card American Express andPersonal Checks Forhearingor speechimpairedTTYusers TTY 1 8...
