T: 0191 516 6554
W: www.seconrenewables.com
System Test
Tank Mode
While you are testing the system in Heating mode you will want to bleed any radiators. Once
this is done and the heating system is operating correctly then you can check the system in
Tank Mode.
Turn the heating demand OFF using the remote thermostat or base station and check that
the heating turns off as a result. This may take several minutes.
Now use the left arrow to go back into the mode section and the up and down arrows to se-
lect the tap icon only (tank mode). Now press the right arrow to set the tank temperature us-
ing the up and down arrows. We recommend using a set temperature of 48-50C if not using
a sterilisation cycle or 45 to 48C if you are using a sterilisation cycle. Press the centre button
to confirm and set the unit to operate.
Selecting Tank Only mode
Now the system should operate in tank mode. Note
the operation sign next to the Tank icon
Now right arrow to set the tank temperature
The unit will operate but once again it may take some time to start to heat the water from cold. Be patient.
Check that the 3 way valve has operated and the water flow is to the hot water cylinder and not the buffer.
When the heat pump has actually started operation and the fans outside are rotating you can, once again, check
the system operating details by pressing the menu button and selecting System Check. Select Water Tempera-
tures to see the Flow and Return temperature. Select Compressor to see the compressor speed in Hz (0% is
off). Once the system is operating in a stable manner then check the running Amps on Power Supply 1.
Menu Button
Select System Check
Select Water Temperatures
Select Compressor