When the Handshake Function Is Set to “Yes”
Use STRB signal (PV-T30 -> the external device) and ACK signal (The external device -> PV-T30) in pairs.
Tf: 400µs (fixed)
Tp: Data output guarantee time, 1-1000ms (default: 10 ms)
To: Timeout period, 4 - 20000 ms (default: 5000 ms)
Exceeding this time causes a timeout error, terminates output processing, and outputs ERR signal.
1. As the inspection ends, the first data is output through I/O interface and turned on STRB signal
and TACT signal.
2. As for an external device, obtain the first result after more than 1 ms of wait time(*) when STRB
signal turns on, and turn on ACK signal.
Be sure to turn on ACK signal in the time of "To" after turning on STRB signal.
(*) The time from when STRB signal turns on till when the result output (OUT signal) is determined varies
according to the condition of the connected load or ambient temperature.
3. PV-T30 checks that ACK signal is ON and turns off STRB signal.
4. Check STRB signal if OFF with the external device and turn off ACK signal in the time of “To”.
5. PV-T30 outputs the second (last) d
ata in 100μsec (Td) after turning off ACK signal.
6. As the time of “Tf” passed from data output, turn on STRB signal and REDY signal.
When synchronous output is operated in addition to I/O output, including data output to COM port and Ethernet port,
and inspection image output, REDY signal stays OFF until the operation is completed.
7. As for an external device, obtain the second result after more than 2 ms of wait time(*) when
STRB signal turns on, and turn on ACK signal.
Be sure to turn on ACK signal in the time of To after turning on STRB signal.
8. PV-T30 checks that ACK signal is ON and turns off STRB signal and TACT signal. Setting
"Parallel I/O Output Reset Condition" to "Reset" resets OUT signal at this timing.
Check STRB signal is OFF with the external device and turn off ACK signal. If the time from turning on of TACT
signal is less than “Tp”, wait until the time passes and turn off TACT signal.
9. I/O result output is complete after the time of "Tp+Tf" passes from TACT signal turns off.
You cannot output the next result while the time of "Tp+Tf" is passing in Parallel mode, and the device is in the
status of waiting for output.