In Case of Emergency
Immediate action.
Should a potentially dangerous situation arise
in the vicinity of the equipment, follow facility policy for shutting
down equipment and evacuating personnel. If a facility policy does
not exist:
1. Close the process gas cylinder or process gas source valve.
2. Evacuate all personnel from the region.
Should malfunction be suspected, immediately
interrupt equipment operation, and then notify Pall Corporation
SLS. Do not attempt to operate the equipment until it has been
competently repaired and tested.
Purification material spills.
Purification material spills and
personnel exposure to purification material or evolved gases
should be managed as recommended in pertinent Safety Data
Sheets (SDS). Requisite SDS documents should be available for
use at all times. If specific purification material SDS is required,
contact Pall Microelectronics for a duplicate copy. SDS for
process gases are obtainable from gas suppliers.
The purifier assembly is sufficiently durable to make purification
material spillage most unlikely. Purification material spillage can
occur only when the equipment is substantially abused or damaged.
In general, avoid breathing, ingestion, and all other bodily contact
with purification material or gases. Should bodily contact with a
purification material occur, immediately brush off the purification
material, and then flush the affected tissues with tap water for
20 minutes. Consult a physician immediately.